BMP-3 - Wikipedia
The BMP-3 is a Soviet and Russian infantry fighting vehicle, successor to the BMP-1 and BMP-2. The abbreviation BMP stands for Boevaya Mashina Pekhoty ( Боевая Машина Пехоты , …
BMP-3步兵战车 - 百度百科
BMP-3步兵战车(英文:BMP-3 Infantry fighting vehicle)是20世纪80年代苏联研制的第三代履带式步兵战车。BMP-3步兵战车空车全重18.7吨,乘员3人,载员7人。最大公路速度70千米/小 …
BRM-3K Rys - Army Guide
The BRM-3K CRV is intended to perform battlefield and artillery positions reconnaissance for ground forces and coastal defence units in any weather conditions. Main missions are ground …
ODIN - OE Data Integration Network - United States Army
The BRM-3K Rys (lynx) was developed in the early 1990s. It was intended to supplement and replace the BRM-1K reconnaissance vehicle. It is based on the BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicle...
从苏联到俄罗斯联邦,BMP3进化史 - 哔哩哔哩
bmp-3f是一种基于bmp-3的海军陆战队步兵战车,设计用于海军陆战队步兵、边防部队和沿海地区,在海岸和两栖登陆期间使用。bmp-3与bmp-3的不同之处在于,它增加了浮力和稳定性,取 …
BMP-3步兵戰車 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
BMP-3步兵戰車 是 蘇聯 BMP系列的第三代。 不同於由 BMP-1 至 BMP-2 只是局部改良,BMP-3是全新的設計,1986年推出原型車,1987年投產裝備部隊,1990年5月的閱兵式中首次出現 …
BRM-3K Rys - Weaponsystems.net
The BRM-3K Rys is a special reconnaissance vehicle based on the chassis of the BMP-3 mechanized infantry combat vehicle. Read more about BMP-3 30mm 2A72
BMP-3 Russian Amphibious Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV)
The BMP-3 [BMP = Boyevaya Mashina Pyekhota - Infantry Fighting Vehicle], which represents a totally different design concept from BMP-1/2, is a light tank that can hold a squad of infantry....
BMP-3 Infantry Fighting Vehicle | Full specifications & all models
The BMP-3 Infantry Fighting Vehicle is the most recent of the BMP IFV series. It was considered the most lethal IFV in the world and since its introduction with the former Soviet Army in 1987, …
ODIN - OE Data Integration Network - United States Army
The crane has a 22.3 t capacity. It is used to lift disabled vehicles, turrets, powerpacks, or other loads. If repairs are required to a vehicle's suspension, the crane raises the front of back...