Movies | Bluey Wiki | Fandom
Instead of reading THX, it’s BRM (which stands for Brumm). Bluey is revealed to have had astraphobia, fear of thunderstorms, but since the end of the episode, she has outgrown it. The episode also reveals that due to her astraphobia, Bluey was the last one in her friend group to go to the movies due to fearing that the movies would depict ...
THX - Scary Logos Wiki
THX is a motion picture quality certification system (despite being branded as a "sound system" until 1997) founded by Tomlinson Holman and George Lucas in 1983 (in turn was then-owned by Lucasfilm Ltd. until June 2002, when spun-off as its present-day company - …
Movies/Script | Bluey Wiki | Fandom
The letters BRM, in parody of the THX logo appear onscreen. A chorus of vocals builds into a booming noise. Bluey: Ah! Bluey grabs her ears and pulls them down. Bingo: Loud! The house lights go down. Bingo: Dark! Bandit: OK, now the movie's started. The movie fades in. Two monkeys are sitting in a tree branch above a vast savanna.
THX Parody In "Bluey" But With The Actual Sound - YouTube
2023年3月7日 · Here's a parody of the famous THX Sound System logo in the Bluey episode, "Movies," but with the actual sound playing.Credits to:@thecomputerdude24TVMovieCli...
BRM Logo Voice Impression - YouTube
2023年7月11日 · To all the Bluey fans out there, here is my voice impression of the BRM logo from the Bluey episode, Movies. You know this logo is a parody of the THX logo, ...
Experience pure SOUND. by BraydenNohaiDeviant on DeviantArt
2021年8月16日 · Experience pure SOUND. Was a THX reference in Bluey. You Might Like… Join the community to add your comment. Already a deviant? Log In.
Was looking back at Movies when I realized something (besides …
2022年5月2日 · Even Bluey was terrified, like the majority of us who were scared of the THX intro as a kid. 71 votes, 12 comments. >BRM >Brumm >Dan Brumm (the sound designer for Bluey)!
BRM logo 1 (THX parody) - YouTube
Also Just for fun and Tex is replaced with Peter griffin
THX - Audiovisual Identity Database
THX Ltd. (which officially stands for " T omlinson H olman's e X periment") is an American company known for its namesake motion picture quality certification system (despite it being branded as a "sound system" until 1997), founded in 1983 by Tomlinson Holman and George Lucas to ensure the sound quality of the third Star Wars film Return of the...
THX认证和Dolby Atmos认证到底是什么? - 知乎
THX认证是为了确保影片在影院里播出的效果和导演预期的效果完全一致。 最初是一种影院的环境认证,后来慢慢延伸到了音响设备的认证上面,只需购买具有THX认证的音响设备,便可同样获得完美的听觉感受。 Dolby Atmos认证也就是杜比全景声,这是由美国杜比实验室研发的3D环绕声技术,在影院比较常见,甚至在手机上播放电影也会有杜比全景声音效。 它能够结合影片内容,呈现出动态的声音效果,更真实的营造出由远及近的音效,让我们可以身临其境。 如果是配5.1.2 …