BSI - BS 4335 - Glossary of Terms Used in Project Network …
Terms and some symbols relating to commonly used project network techniques, including activity-on-arrow networks, activity-on-node networks, resources allocation, cost analysis and measurement, and decision networks.
BS 4335-1987【BS 欧洲标准全文下载】 - 道客巴巴
BRITISHSTANDARDCONFIRMEDJULY1993BS4335:1987GlossaryofTermsusedinprojectnetworktechniquesUDC001.4:65.01.1LicensedCopy:sheffieldunsheffieldunnaThuNov3005:58:49GMT+00 ...
BS 4335:1987 Glossary of terms used in project network techniques
Terms and some symbols relating to commonly used project network techniques, including activity-on-arrow networks, activity-on-node networks, resources allocation, cost analysis and measurement, and decision networks.
BS 4335:1987 项目网络技术中使用的术语表
BS 4335:1968 项目网络 分析 中使用的术语表 IS 7337-1985 项目网络 分析 术语表 BS 6046-2:1992 网络技术 在 项目 管理 中的 应 用 图形和 项目 估算 技术使用 指南 ONORM A 6775-1981 项目网络技术的表 示法 BS 6046-2:1981 网络技术 在 项目 管理 中的使用 图形和估算 技术使用 指南
BS-4335 | Glossary of terms used in project network techniques ...
BS-4335 - 1987 EDITION - SUPERSEDED -- See the following: BS-6079-2 Show Complete Document History
BS 4335 – Glossary of terms used in project network analysis All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.
BS ISO IEC 4335-1991 - 道客巴巴
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免费下载 BS 4335-1987 项目网络技术用术语词汇_标准下载-UPBZ …
BS 4335-1987 标准详情 标准号: BS 4335-1987 中文标题: 项目网络技术用术语词汇 英文标题: glossary of terms used in project network techniques 标准类别: 英国标准 发布日期: 1987-04-01
BS 4335:1972 Glossary of terms used in project network techniques
Terms and some symbols relating to commonly used project network techniques including activity-on-arrow networks, activity-on-node networks, decision networks and resource allocation.
BS 4335:1987 引用关系 - 分析测试百科网
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