BS EN 341- 2011 - 道客巴巴
2018年1月18日 · bs en 341- 2011 下载积分: 2000 内容提示: raising standards worldwide ™NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAWBSI Standards PublicationBS EN 341:2011Personal fall protectionequipment — Descenderdevices for rescue
EN 341 descender testing - SATRA
In Europe, descenders for rescue are tested to EN 341:2011. The standard includes test procedures that require a series of high-level descent tests to assess the product’s ability to perform satisfactorily after repeated use.
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BS EN 341:2011 - Personal fall protection equipment. Descender …
2011年8月31日 · Personal fall protection equipment. Descender devices for rescue. BS EN 341:2011 is maintained by PH/5. This standard is available from the following sources:
BS EN 341 - Personal fall protection equipment. Descender …
2011年8月31日 · BS EN 341 is maintained by PH/5. The current release of this standard is: BS EN 341:2011 Personal fall protection equipment. Descender devices for rescue. This standard …
BS EN 341:2011-个人坠落防护设备 用于救援的下降装置-国家数字 …
2011年8月31日 · EN 341. Personal protective equipment against falls from a height. Descender devices for rescue
GB/T 38230-2019-坠落防护 缓降装置-国家数字标准馆
本标准规定了缓降装置的分类、分级与标记、技术要求、测试方法、检验规则及标识等内容。 本标准适用于垂直使用的自动及手动缓降装置。 本标准不适用于建筑火灾逃生缓降装置. Personal fall protection equipment. Descender devices for rescue. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT AGAINST FALLS FROM A HEIGHT. DESCENDER DEVICES. Personal protective equipment against falls from a height. Descender devices.
BS-EN-341 | Personal fall protection equipment. Descender devices for ...
Document Center Inc. is an authorized dealer of BSI standards. Personal fall protection equipment. Descender devices for rescue.
BS EN 341:2011 Personal fall protection equipment. Descender …
2011年8月31日 · This European Standard specifies requirements, test methods, marking and information to be supplied by the manufacturer for descender devices, which include descent lines (hereinafter referred to as lines), intended for rescue and to protect against falls in a rescue system, which is a personal fall protection system.
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