2006年2月13日 · Available either in through-hole or surface mount packages, the BTA16, BTB16 and T1610, T1635 and T1650 Triac series are suitable for general purpose mains power AC switching. They can be used as ON/OFF function in applications such as static relays, heating regulation or induction motor starting circuit. They are also
BTA16-600BRG_ST(意法半导体)_BTA16-600BRG中文资料_PDF手 …
BTA16 Datasheet(PDF) - STMicroelectronics
The BTA/BTB16 B triac family are high performance glass passivated PNPN devices. These parts are suitables for general purpose applications where high surge current capability is required. Application such as phase control and static switching on inductive or resistive load. HIGH SURGE CURRENT CAPABILITY. COMMUTATION : (dV/dt)c > 10V/µs.
BTA16可控硅固态继电器电路开发的有关问题 - CSDN博客
2023年5月1日 · 电路中,q1是bta16 600v可控硅器件,u1是moc3053光耦可控硅。 在开发过程中遇到两个问题,现将其现象和解决途径介绍如下: 可控硅的1脚和2脚不能搞错,如果接反,可控硅无法关断。
BTA16 - 16A standard and Snubberless™ Triacs - STMicroelectronics
Powerful server-side engine for rendering and simulation. Help to select the right High side current sensing and shunt devices. You might also like...
BTA16-800C_集晶电子_BTA16-800C中文资料_PDF手册_价格-立创 …
bta16-800c由集晶电子设计生产,立创商城现货销售。 BTA16-800C价格参考¥1.48。 下载BTA16-800C中文资料、引脚图、Datasheet数据手册,有晶闸管(可控硅)/模块详细引脚图及功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及教程。
2006年2月13日 · packages, the BTA16, BTB16 and T16 triac series is suitable for general purpose AC switching. They can be used as an ON/OFF function in applica-tions such as static relays, heating regulation, in-duction motor starting circuits... or for phase control operation in light dimmers, motor speed controllers, ... The snubberless versions (BTA/BTB...W ...
bta16产品规格书 bta16产品规格书 3/4 参数特性曲线 fig.1 最大功耗与均方根电流关系曲线图 fig.2:均方根电流与壳温关系曲线图 fig.3: 峰值浪涌电流与周期数量关系图 fig.4: 输出特性图(最大值图) fig.5: 非重复峰值浪涌电流与正弦波脉宽 关系曲线
MAIN FEATURES: DESCRIPTION Available either in through-hole or surface-mount packages, the BTA/BTB16 and T16 triac series is suitable for general purpose AC switching.