BTR fuel injectors are a great upgrade for naturally aspirated applications that are under 650 horsepower on gasoline and under 500 horsepower on E85! - LS1/LS6 60mm Height. - 42lb EV14 Injector with EV1 Connector. - Flowmatched set of 8. - High Impedance. NOTE: Injector length is from O-ring to O-ring.
BTR-80 - Wikipedia
The BTR-80 is based on the BTR-70 APC, which itself was based on the BTR-60. It has a single 260-hp V-8 turbocharged water-cooled diesel engine, an improvement over the twin gasoline engines installed in the BTR-60 and BTR-70 vehicles.
ATR 42 - Wikipedia
The ATR 42 is a straight high-wing airliner with twin turboprops and a T-tail, certified in the transport category, and powered by Pratt & Whitney Canada PW120s. It has deicing boots to fly in icing conditions and a retractable landing gear in fairings under …
BT-42:从猎物到猎手 - 战争雷霆中文Wiki
bt-42 是芬兰军队为应对紧张局势,利用在冬季战争期间缴获的苏联bt-7坦克,应急改造而来的一款自行突击炮。 随着苏联红军装备的战车越发先进,芬兰军队不得不全力调动现有及缴获的所有装备来应对新的挑战。
BTR任务线详解及交接、刷新等疑问解答 - 百度贴吧
2025年1月15日 · 新区除了坐车进不去,所以进去以后大概只有40秒左右的搜索时间,如果你开局没有第一时间找到btr进新区,那么一旦进去了,车走了,你就得死里面 15楼 2025-01-19 13:27
30!30下山了!(浅谈BTR装甲车的前世今生) - 哔哩哔哩
BTR90装备了与BMP2同款希普诺夫2A42机炮.相对于BTR80改进了整个战车的前缘弧设计.能够有效防御14.5MM机枪弹直射.同时装备了Konkurs反坦克导弹配备5发备弹.展览型号给予可以装备AGS榴弹发射器的能力. BTR90可以使用多种燃料.通过水冷降温和涡轮增压.可以让发动机产生约510的拉力比.车辆发动机可逆向转动同时它能够向两边的车轮提供不同的动力.整车利用车轮与独立的扭杆悬挂来达到最佳的减震效果.
BTR Driver - The Official Escape from Tarkov Wiki
The BTR Driver is an in-raid trader in Escape from Tarkov. You can't hand in quests if you don't have enough inventory space for the rewards. Sometimes services can't be used when the money is in your chest rig, backpack or secure container. …
BT-42 - War Thunder Wiki
The BT-42, officially known as "15 tonnin rynnäkkötykkipanssarivaunu BT-42 (15-ton assault gun tank BT-42)", was a modified variant of the Soviet BT-7 light tanks which were captured by Finland during the Winter War and Continuation War; due to the lack of firepower of the 37/45 mm gun on original BT tanks and the dire need for tanks to ...
ATR 42 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
ATR於2019年6月19日舉行的巴黎航展上宣布開發42-600S,這是短距起降(STOL)版本,可以在不減少機組人員數量的情況下在800 m跑道上起降,原預計2022年下半年獲得型號合格證。 由於新型冠狀病毒的影響,開發進度重新調整。 重新安排後預定於2023年首飛。 啟動客戶為大溪地航空。 另外三家公司也下了訂單:Elix Aviation(一家租賃公司)和一位未公開的客戶。 2022年5月11日,一架原型機(代碼:F-WWLY,序號:811)進行了約2小時15分鐘的首飛,並預 …
ATR ATR-42 - Airliners.net
The ATR-42-500 is the first significantly improved version of the aircraft and features a revised interior, more powerful PW-127Es for a substantially increased cruising speed (565km/h/305kt) driving six blade propellers, a 1850km (1000nm) maximum range, the EFIS cockpit, elevators and rudders of the stretched ATR-72 (described separately ...
Helos BTR GEN2 2-12x42 FFP IR MIL | DMR Scope - Athlon Optics
Helos BTR Gen2 2-12x42 AHMR2 MIL FFP IR features and details. Athlon takes a ride-along with the New York Police Department Long Range Team. If you're hunting or competing, a low power variable magnification scope is a great solution for you. A …
TALOS BTR GEN2 10x42 APRS2A SFP MIL - Athlon Optics
Featuring a new turret design and our Precision Zero Stop system, the GEN2 provides sharper, more tactile clicks with a quick-hard stop when returning to zero. OBJ. LENS DIAMETER. Effectively reduces reflected light and increases the transmission of light giving you a brighter image than normal single coated lenses.
FUEL SUPPLY - Brian Tooley Racing
Proven LS Horsepower. From F-body to Corvette, Sierra to Silverado, G8 to GTO, we carry everything for making power with your LS or Gen V Ride!
ATR 42-600即将进入中国市场
珠海航展,2022年11月8日 —— 中国民用航空局 (CAAC)已为涡桨飞机制造商ATR旗下ATR 42-600型飞机颁发了VTC(型号认可证)。 这一里程碑为ATR提供了重新进入中国市场的机会, ATR已从一家未披露的客户获得了三架飞机的确定订单。 作为支线航空旅行的可持续的选择,幅员辽阔的中国希望发展国内的基本航空服务,同时减少补贴和排放,ATR 42-600将成为中国理想的航线开拓机型。 ATR 42-600获得 中国民航局 适航证及确定订单是一个重大成就,标志着ATR …
- [PDF]
ATR 42-600
ATR 42-600 The ideal local commuter ATR, THE LEADER IN REGIONAL AVIATION The most modern 50-seater aircraft Unbeatable economics 1,600+ Aircraft delivered 200 Operators 100 Countries 1,300+ Airports served 150+ New routes opened annually OUTSTANDING COMFORT Up to 50 seats with comfortable living space, full-standing aisle and large overhead ...
BT-42 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The BT-42 was a Finnish assault gun, constructed during the Continuation War. It was constructed from captured Soviet BT-7 light tanks and British 4.5-inch howitzers (114 mm-calibre light howitzer, model 1908) from 1918, which had been donated during the Winter War. Only eighteen vehicles were constructed. Development and use []
Mid Range Hunting Scope | Helos BTR 2-12x42 MOA - Athlon …
The Helos BTR GEN2 2-12x42 is a versatile riflescope designed for both short and mid-range shooting needs. Featuring a robust 2-12x magnification range, providing precise aiming capabilities. The 42mm objective lens ensures excellent light transmission, resulting in bright, sharp images even in low-light conditions.
ATR 42 Specifications, Cabin Dimensions, Performance
ATR 42 manufactured by ATR. Specs, range, speed, operating weights and performance for the ATR 42 here
Athlon Optics Talos BTR Rifle Scope - MidwayUSA
The Talos BTR GEN2 builds on the Athlon Optics reputation with improved turrets and the addition of a true precision zero stop. All while maintaining repeatable tracking and the affordable price! Fully Multi-Coated lenses and optional illuminated etched reticles enable the Talos BTR GEN2 to perform in a wide range of conditions. Features.
Turboprops vs. Jets – What’s the difference? - Flightradar24.com
2024年7月18日 · The two most common passenger-carrying turboprops in commercial service today are the ATR 42, ATR 72, and Bombardier Dash 8 Q400. They are also prevalent in private aviation, with aircraft such as the Beech King Air and Pilatus PC-12 proving their worth as safe and efficient utility aircraft.