dormakaba BTS 84 Double-Action Floor Spring
Specially designed for the movement patterns of double-action doors, the dormakaba BTS 84 can be easily adapted to individual requirements. With an installation depth of just 40 mm, it offers the particular advantage of only requiring a shallow pocket, thus enabling problem-free installation.
dormakaba - BTS84 经济型双向开启地弹簧
BTS84是专为铝合金和钢化玻璃等门扇设计的双向开启地弹簧。 BTS84除了有dormakaba地弹簧的各种标准功能外,还有一些升级功能,如:减小地面开孔深度,完美配合多玛专为铝合金门和钢化玻璃门设计的配件。 通过ISO9001认证制造。
The DORMA BTS 84 is a double action floor spring which has been specially developed for the aluminium and toughened glass door industries. This unit is intended to complement our interna-tionally acclaimed RTS concealed overhead door closer by giving the shop-fitting industry the option of a DORMA quality floor spring designed for their ...
德国DORMA多玛BTS84多玛地弹簧多玛地簧有框门无框门地弹璜 …
德國【DORMA】多瑪牌 通用銀色地較/地彈簧 BTS-84 (EN4) (有 …
多瑪牌 通用銀色地較/地彈簧 bts-84 (en4) 通用地彈簧 BTS84地彈簧適用廣泛,可用於所有標準的單、雙開門(最大門扇寬度1100mm),可通過調節螺釘來調節門扇關閉力量。
BTS 84 has many of the features of the other dormakaba BTS closers with the addition of reduced depth and an array of accessories designed for the aluminium door fabricator and toughened glass door manufacturer. The production plant is ISO 9001 certified. For the trade • Outstanding value for money • Also available with stronger
自动门-闭门器-多玛自动门-地弹簧-松下自动门-广州市凯泽门控有限公司 | 多玛BTS 84 …
bts 84是专为铝合金和钢化玻璃等门扇设计的双向开启地弹簧。 除了有多玛™地弹簧的各种标准功能外, 还有一些升级功能, 如:减小地面开孔深度, 完美配合多玛专为铝合金门和钢化玻璃门设计的配件。
多玛 BTS-84 地弹簧 - BOSM
BTS-84 是德国多玛特别为各种钢化玻璃、铝合金、木质等门扇设计的双向开启地弹簧,具有多玛地弹簧的各种标准功能,也集德国的优良设计及精密生产技能于一身。
德國多馬Dorma BTS84 地較90度停/不停 | 香港五金網
-更換式機體轉軸設計及可選購不同高度轉軸,以配合加高地毯、石材等不同設計。 -機體承重力達100㎏,最大門寬1100㎜,適用各類鋼門、鋁門、玻璃門等使用。 -強化之鋁合金機體,通過歐洲EN1154抗腐蝕測試最高等級。 (1)以上所展示的信息由企業自行提供,內容的真實性、準確性和合法性由發佈企業負責,香港五金網對此不承擔任何保證責任。 (2)同時我們鄭重提醒各位買/賣家,交易前請詳細核實對方身份,切勿隨意打款及發貨,謹防上當受騙。 如發現虛假信息, …
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: The BTS 84 is a double-action floor spring which has been specially developed for the aluminum and toughened glass door industries. The BTS 84 has many of the features of the other dormakaba BTS closers with the addition of reduced depth and an array of accessories designed for the aluminum door fabricator and toughened
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