Bandvagn 202 - Wikipedia
Bandvagn 202 (Bv 202) is an amphibious oversnow tracked articulated, all-terrain vehicle developed by Bolinder-Munktell, a subsidiary of Volvo, for the Swedish Army in the early …
1978 Volvo BV202 - MILWEB
Volvo 202 is a tracked articulated, all-terrain vehicle developed by Volvo BM, a subsidiary of Volvo, for the Swedish Army. The vehicle is formed of two rubber Kegresse track units with a …
2023年1月4日 · bv 202 空重3.2吨,有效载荷1吨,全车长6.18米,宽1.76米,高2.21米,相对小巧,比一辆大型suv稍微大一点。 陆上最大速度39km/h,水上最大速度6.5km/h,陆上最大行 …
BV 202履带式雪地车 - 百度百科
瑞典的BV202履带式雪地车,截止80年代初已生产约5000辆,除装备本国军队外,还装备了 荷兰 、土耳其等国家。 美国在80年代初有5辆LMC 1450履带式雪地车列装了 海军陆战队,有4辆 …
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BMV BV202 12-xxxx•
BV is equipped with one heater. Without the heater the engine safely starts at temperatures down to —260 C if the right engine oil is being used and eve— rything else is O. K. Foryet lower …
1978 Volvo Bandvagn 202 - Bring a Trailer
2019年4月5日 · This 1978 Volvo Bandvagn 202 is an articulated amphibious off-road vehicle built by Volvo subsidiary Bolinder-Munktell. Power is sent from a 2.0-liter Volvo B20B inline-four to …
Bandvagn 202 - Military Wiki | Fandom
Bandvagn 202 (Bv 202) is a tracked articulated, all-terrain vehicle developed by Volvo BM, a subsidiary of Volvo, for the Swedish Army. The vehicle is formed of two rubber Kegresse track …
Bolinder-Munktell Bandvagn 202 (Bv 202) - Military Factory
2019年2月13日 · The Bandvagn Bv 202 was a special military transport vehicle developed by Swedish-based Bolinder-Munktell (est. 1932) to a Swedish Army requirement calling for an All …
BV 202A /T - Kalixlinjens museum
Bandvagn 202 (Bv 202) är ett bandgående terrängfordon med en midjestyrd design som ger det en enastående framkomlighet i svår terräng. Fordonet består av två permanent …
The Volvo BM 202 Tracked Vehicle is designed to provide efficient trans- port over snow, water, marshy ground, desert sand — in fact, anywhere other vehicles can't go. Its versatility enables …