Blohm & Voss P 188 - Wikipedia
The Blohm & Voss Bv P 188 was a long-range, heavy jet bomber design project by the Blohm & Voss aircraft manufacturing division during the last years of the Third Reich. It featured a novel …
Blohm & Voss P 188 – Wikipedia
Die Blohm und Voss P 188 war ein von Blohm und Voss projektierter deutscher Bomber mit Strahlantrieb im Zweiten Weltkrieg. P 188-01: Vier Turbojets in separaten Gondeln unter den …
德国早期重型喷气式轰炸机尝试—BV P188_腾讯新闻
2024年7月5日 · 设计师的解决办法就是W形机翼(俯视),P 188的机翼内侧部分前缘后掠20°,外侧部分前缘前掠20°,这种设计可以提供良好的飞行性能,据称设计师还使用了一种“可变攻角” …
Blohm & Voss P.188 | Military Wiki | Fandom
Blohm & Voss Bv P.188 was a bomber project for the Luftwaffe developed by the Blohm & Voss aircraft manufacturing company in the last years of the Third Reich. The project was …
德國早期重型噴氣式轟炸機嘗試—BV P188-丹書戰史-今日視界
2024年7月5日 · 在1943年,失去耐心的德軍尋求新的重型轟炸機,Blohm & Voss公司根據新的規範展開研製,當時德國的噴氣式發動機研製工作已取得重大進展,因此新的BV P188也採用了 …
布罗姆福斯及其飞机家族(终篇)——日落狂想 - 哔哩哔哩
P 188是二战末期公司的远程重型喷气式轰炸机设计项目。 由于该项目Ju 287胜出而被拒绝,并没完成任何原型机的建造。 图源:网络. 在1943年公司的首席设计师Richard Vogt(R)用BV …
Blohm and Voss Bv P.188: Photos, History, Specification
Blohm & Voss provided many futuristic aircraft for consideration by the Luftwaffe during World War II - but few of these designs became useful war products. Such was the case with Bv P. …
An early German attempt at a heavy jet bomber - the BV P188
2025年1月30日 · In 1943, the impatient German army sought a new heavy bomber, and Blohm & Voss began to develop it according to new specifications. At that time, Germany's jet engine …
Blohm & Voss BV P.188.01 Luft '46 Entry
This was the first design of the Blohm und Voss P.188 jet bomber. The fuselage center section was designed as an armored steel shell which was to hold the fuel supply, with the forward …
Blohm and Voss Bv P.188 Jet-Powered Heavy Bomber Proposal
2016年12月31日 · Blohm & Voss delivered many futuristic-looking aircraft for consideration by the German Air Ministry during World War 2 - however few of these designs materialized into a …