BWP-100 is a conduit box for installation of detectors in environments that may be humid/wet. The conduit box is designed for use with Autronica’s interactive fire detection systems, to make the detector terminals dust and jet proof. BWP-100 is suitable for use in environments such as engine rooms, workshops, storerooms, etc.
Conduit box BWP-100 - Accessories - Detectors - Productweb en
Standard detector base BWA-100 is used for connecting and mounting the detector head. BWP-100/20 is the standard version, four knock-outs for mounting of M20 skintop glands. Two cable glands are included with the unit.
AutroGuard® conduit box BWP-100/20/AG - Productweb en
AutroGuard® conduit box BWP-100/20/AG Designed for AutroGuard® protectors. 20 mm pre-made openings. Conudit box used for the installation of protectors in environments that may be humid/wet, such as engine rooms, workshops, storerooms, etc.
Autronica 116-BWP-100/20 Conduit Box - Lavastica International
The Autronica 116-BWP-100/20 is a conduit box that is used to install detectors in environments that might be humid or wet. The BWP-100/20 is designed to be used with the Autronica AutroSafe Fire Alarm System, to make the detector terminals drip-proof.
116-BWP-100/20/AG Autronica奥特罗尼卡火警探头底座原装议价 …
欢迎来到淘宝网选购116-BWP-100/20/AG Autronica奥特罗尼卡火警探头底座原装议价, 淘宝数亿热销好货,官方物流可寄送至全球十地,支持外币支付等多种付款方式、平台客服24小时在线、由商家提供退换货承诺、让你简单淘到宝。
Autronica BWP-100/25 Conduit Box - Lavastica International
The Autronica BWP-100/25 is designed to make the Autronica Detector Terminals dust and jet proof. The Autronica BWP-100/25 Conduit Box is used with the BWA-100 Detector Base for connecting and mounting the Detector head.
116-BWP-100-25探头探测器防水底座安装盒 - seabil.com
我们在全球范围内以具有竞争力的价格提供包括116-BWP-100-25探头探测器防水底座安装盒在内的Autronica火灾报警气体探测控制器、感烟雾探头、感温度探头、火焰探头、可燃气体探头、氢气探头,毒气探头,一氧化碳探头,多功能复合探头、防爆探头、防水探头 ...
BWP-100/20/AG - Jelec
BWP-100/20/AG. SKU: 116-BWP-100/20/AG Category: Smoke. 24 weeks. AutroGuard Conduit Box – Suitable for use with all AutroGuard Bases – Protects connections in humid environments – M20 Entries – White (116-BWP-100/20/AG) $ 252.14. BWP-100/20/AG quantity. Add to Cart. Over 25 Years of Innovation.
Autronica BWP-100/20 Conduit Box - Allequipment
The Autronica BWP-100/20 is a conduit box that is used to install detectors in environments that may be humid/wet. The Autronica BWP-100/20 is designed to make the Autronica Detector Terminals dust and jet proof.
BWP-100 [ベルビアン水性プライマー] タキロンシーアイ 水性プ …
bwp-100 ※2 認定仕様となるアルミ・プライマーには条件があります。 詳しくは技術資料「国土交通省 防火認定番号」の欄をご覧ください。