BWP Auctions
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BWP Auctions Charlotte, Iowa | Charlotte IA - Facebook
CHARLOTTE AUCTION #2 Pergo flooring, Hundreds of fishing poles, Patio set, Doors, Consignments auction!!!!! March 19 - 26- BWP Sales
BWP Sales LLC - BWP Auctions
BWP Sales LLC . 563-732-2094 . 2224 Heinz Road. Iowa City, IA 52440. 115 330 th Avenue
All Auctions - BWP Sales
We are now booking estate, commercial, and downsizing auctions! Item pickup, cleanout services, and on site auctions available. Charlotte Auction #2 Feb. 12-19. Flooring, Lumber, Milwaukee products, Deep Freeze, Kids ride ons, Heaters, …
CHARLOTTE AUCTION Hunting, Farm & Home February 9 - February 14- BWP Sales
2024年2月9日 · ALL SALES ARE FINAL: Checking item condition is the bidder’s responsibility. BWP Auctions makes every effort to describe items to the best of our knowledge, but cannot check every item. Major appliances are guaranteed for five business days, if stated on the lot. Otherwise, all items are sold AS-IS WHERE-IS with no guarantees expressed or ...
Monticello store closing auction #1 Jan. 19-Jan 26- BWP Sales
2024年1月19日 · Pick up will be the following Monday at 102 E. 1st street Monticello Iowa 9am-6pm. ALL SALES ARE FINAL: Checking item condition is the bidder's responsibility. BWP Auctions makes every effort to describe items to the best of our knowledge, but cannot check every item. Major appliances are guaranteed for five business days, if stated on the lot.
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BWP Sales | Lowden IA - Facebook
BWP Sales, Lowden, IA. 6,020 likes · 1 talking about this · 151 were here. BWP Auctions in Lowden Iowa is an online auction house at bwpauctions.com
BWP Auctions
BWP Auctions is a full service auction company specializing in estate, commercial, equipment, and consignment auctions. We have weekly auctions at our Iowa City and Charlotte auction house locations and are always looking for quality consignments.
Lowden farm store liquidation auction- BWP Sales
2023年11月16日 · We are now booking estate, commercial, and downsizing auctions! Item pickup, cleanout services, and on site auctions available. This is a huge auction with great items! This auction has power tools, farm store merchandise, home goods, tools, hunting inventory, and much more! Please keep checking as we will be adding more items to this auction!