GE BWR - Wikipedia
BWR Type 4 (BWR-4, BWR/4): Introduced in 1966, 1100 MW (Browns Ferry 1–3). Largely similar to the BWR/3 in design with an identical recirculation system, but power density was increased by 20%. [5] Available with either Mark I or Mark II containment.
Boiling Water Reactor GE BWR/4 Technology Technology Manual Chapter 4.0 Containment Systems
7.3-1 and 7.3-4, consists of two separately powered trip systems. Each trip system contains two trip channel logics. The trip logics of system A are designated channels Al and A2 and both receive at least one input signal from the same monitored parameter;, both trip channels are identical. Thus, any monitored parameter
Table 6.0-1 has been developed to allow comparisons of various BWR functions for the product lines BWR/2 thi'ough BWR/6. The figures in this chapter illustrate most of the more important differences indicated in the tables.
Boiling water reactor - Wikipedia
A boiling water reactor (BWR) is a type of nuclear reactor used for the generation of electrical power. It is the second most common type of electricity-generating nuclear reactor after the pressurized water reactor (PWR). BWR are thermal neutron reactors, where water is thus used both as a coolant and as a moderator, slowing down neutrons.
Boiling Water Reactor GE BWR/4 Technology Technology Manual Chapter 10.0 Emergency Core Cooling Systems. SKIMMER C=_ DRYER SEPERATOR POOL RETURN DIF VENT DUCTS = FUSER "A" GATES FUEL POOL RPV TO DRYWELL ... I . 4- --- ll 1i •lp.f I --I3. Created Date: 5/13/2011 7:18:25 AM ...
Standard Technical Specifications General Electric Plants, BWR/4 ...
This NUREG contains the improved Standard Technical Specifications (STS) for General Electric (GE) BWR/4 plants. Revision 3 incorporates the cumulative changes to Revision 1 and 2, which was published in April 1995 and April 2001, respectively.
BWR反应堆模拟器操作指南 - 哔哩哔哩
2023年8月14日 · 沸水反应堆(Boiling water reactor),简称BWR,由美国阿贡国家实验室(Argonne National Laboratory)和通用电气(General Electric)于上世纪50年代研发,是一种轻水热中子反应堆。沸水堆占据反应堆总数的18-20%。例如福岛第一核电站1号机组型号为BWR-3,2到6号机组型号为BWR-4。
BWR/4 and BWR/5 fuel design (Technical Report) - OSTI.GOV
The report describes the core and fuel design for the BWR/4 and BWR/5 plants which elect to utilize the fuel design similar to that adopted for BWR/6. All of the data and the description described cover only BWR/4 and BWR/5 C- and D-lattice fuel on a generic basis. The fuel designs are identical for both BWR/4 and BWR/5 plants.
0518 - R304B - GE BWR_4 Technology. - NRC
0518 - R304B - GE BWR_4 Technology. Accession Number: ML11258A231. Date Released: Friday, September 30, 2011. Package Contents. The following links on this page are to Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) files. To obtain a free viewer for displaying this format, see our Plugins, Viewers, and Other Tools.
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