Ach, lieben Christen, seid getrost, BWV 114 - Wikipedia
Johann Sebastian Bach composed the church cantata Ach, lieben Christen, seid getrost (Ah, dear Christians, be comforted), [1] BWV 114, in Leipzig for the 17th Sunday after Trinity and first performed it on 1 October 1724. It is based on on a 1561 hymn of penitence by Johannes Gigas. Its tune is featured in three of the work's seven movements.
Ach, lieben Christen, seid getrost, BWV 114 (Bach, Johann ... - IMSLP
BWV 114: Ach, lieben Christen, seid getrost; BWV 115: Mache dich, mein Geist, bereit; BWV 116: Du Friedefürst, Herr Jesu Christ; BWV 117: Sei Lob und Ehr dem höchsten Gut; BWV 118: O Jesu Christ, mein's Lebens Licht; BWV 119: Preise, Jerusalem, den Herren; BWV 120: Gott, man lobet dich in der Stille; BWV 120a: Herr Gott, Beherrscher aller Dinge
Cantata BWV 114 - English Translation [Interlinear Format]
2023年1月9日 · Cantata BWV 114: Ach, lieben Christen, seid getrost for 17 th Sunday after Trinity Discography: Details & Complete Recordings | Recordings of Individual Movements Discussions: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Minuets in G major and G minor - Wikipedia
The Minuets in G major and G minor, BWV Anh. 114 and 115, are a pair of movements from a suite for harpsichord by Christian Petzold, which, through their appearance in the 1725 Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach, used to be attributed to Johann Sebastian Bach. [1][2][3][4][5] These minuets, which are suitable for beginners on the piano, are among ...
J.S. Bach - Cantata BWV 114 "Ach, lieben Christen, seid ... - YouTube
Would you like to donate?Paypal.me/bachstiftungIBAN: CH73 0900 0000 8558 5738 0From the Speicher AR (Schweiz) // Protestant churchChoir and Orchestra of the ...
Still, by that date, Bach had produced an uninterrupted stream of 40 new chorale-based cantatas the last one was BWV 1 for 25 March 1725 (Annunciation). The result is so impressive that for a long time Bach scholars thought these works were the culmination of his efforts in the genre, rather than the product of a composer who had just turned 40.
啊 我们爱耶稣基督 BWV 114 - 巴赫作曲 - 在线试听 | 致乐者
康塔塔是一种包括独唱、重唱、合唱的声乐套曲,一般包含多个乐章,大都有管弦乐伴奏。 通常包含多个乐段,往往以序曲或者合唱开头,以合唱结尾,中间交错有伴奏的宣叙调,独唱或者重唱的咏叹调以及不同规模的合唱。 比清唱剧(oratorio)规模稍小,内容偏重抒情或论述。 合唱指两组以上的歌唱者,各按本组所担任的声部演唱同一乐曲。 分同声与混声两种:同声的由男声或女声单独组成;混声的由男声和女声混合组成。 按声部的多少,又可分二部合唱、三部合唱、四部 …
Ach, lieben Christen, seid getrost - WRUV
1. Johannes Gigas, verse 1 of the hymn, 1561 (Wackernagel, I, #511 and IV, #257), to the chorale melody "Wo Gott, der Herr, nicht bei uns hält" (cf. BWV 178); 2-3. based freely on verse 2; 4. verse 3; 5-6. based freely on verses 4 and 5; 7. verse 6 of the hymn.
巴赫:G大調小步舞曲,作品114 - HAN ARTS
此曲收錄於1725年《獻給妻子的筆記本》裡,與其成對的作品G小調小步舞曲(BWV Anh.115),常與之以Da Capo的形式演奏。 而這本巴赫寫給他的第二任妻子安娜·瑪格達萊娜(Anna Magdalena)的筆記本為17世紀末18世紀初不同作曲家的音樂彙編,其中包括法蘭索瓦·庫普蘭、Georg Böhm以及巴赫本人和他的兒子(如卡爾·菲利普·伊曼紐爾·巴赫)。 1725年筆記本中大多數的作品都是由安娜·瑪格達萊娜本人編入的,還有一些是由約翰·塞巴斯蒂安和巴赫家族 …
Chapter 18 Bwv 114 – The Cantatas of Johann Sebastian Bach
In the first two bars of the ritornello, oboes and violins announce three of the four motives from which the entire movement will be wrought. Firstly comes a striding crotchet figure on the upper instruments. This resolves itself immediately into the second idea, a quaver turn about the tonic note of g (bar 2).