BA-10 - Wikipedia
The BA-10 (Russian: Broneavtomobil 10) was an armored car developed in the Soviet Union in 1938 and produced through 1941. It was the most produced Soviet pre-1941 heavy armored …
BA-10装甲汽车 - 百度百科
BA-10装甲汽车是苏联20世纪30年代技术最完善、性能最出众的重型装甲汽车,一问世就成为苏联红军的主力装备,采用实心防弹橡胶轮胎,两对后轮也可随时加装履带,履带平时就固定在车 …
BA-6M, BA-10A & BA-10M Heavy Armored Car - WarWheels.Net
The BA-10A and BA-10M vehicles were the most produced models in the Soviet's BA series of heavy armored cars, with about 3,377 built from 1938-1941. Besides being in service with the …
红色轮毂—— 苏军1928-1945装甲车大盘点 - 哔哩哔哩
ba-10重5.1吨,车长4.65米,宽2.07米,装甲厚度4-10毫米,发动机功率37千瓦,最大公路时速55千米/小时。采用实心防弹橡胶轮胎,两对后轮也可随时加装履带,履带平时就固定在车身 …
Soviet BA-10 armoured car (1939) - tank-afv.com
A German captured BA-10M. A knocked-out BA-10A (from the first lot of 60 vehicles) next to a T-38 light amphibious tank somewhere in a Soviet city. Source: Bronson, British Collectors of …
BA-10M - FirearmCentral Wiki
The BA-10M is a Soviet armoured car developed in the late 1930s from the BA-10. In 1939 the BA-10 series underwent a modernization program. The modernization featured additional …
BA-10系列装甲车 配备45mm主炮 被苏军当作“廉价坦克”使用
经过改装后,ba-10的战斗全重增加到5.5吨,发动机功率却保持不变,因此机动性有所降低。 1937~1941年,苏联共生产了3400辆BA-10A/M,成为苏联陆军数量最多的中型装甲车。
BA-10 & BA-10M - Quartermaster Section
The BA-10 was a heavy armoured car which combined fire power and armoured protection. It mounted a 45mm main gun which was housed in a fully revolving turret. It was protected with …
BA-10中装甲車 - さくらのレンタルサーバ
この視察・照準装置は、ソ連がスウェーデンのランツヴェルク社から研究用に購入したL-60軽戦車に搭載されていた、ドイツのカール・ツァイス社製のものをコピーしたもので、同時期に …