BA50® - Bushmaster
The BA50® is a highly modular rifle and uses fire controls that are familiar to all AR platform users. New improvements to the bolt design bring effortless bolt operation, with improved extraction and cartridge feeding.
Bushmaster BA50 Black Bolt Action Rifle - 50 BMG
The Bushmaster BA50 Black Bolt Action Rifle – 50 BMG is built to outshine all previous standards for long-range accuracy. With a free-floated barrel with 1 in 15” twist and 8-groove rifling, the Bushmaster BA50 is ideally designed to harness optimal sub-MOA accuracy from the .50 BMG.
Bushmaster BA50步枪 - 枪炮世界
枪托为MAGPUL公司的PRS可调节式枪托,并配有LimbSavr缓冲垫,进一步缓和射击时的后坐感。 BA50有两种型号,一种为卡宾型,全长50英寸,枪管长22英寸,重12.2kg;另一种是步枪型,全长58英寸,枪管长30英寸,重13.6kg。
Firearms - BA50 - Bushmaster® Firearms | American Made
Bushmaster® Firearms 2236 Park PL, Suite B Minden, NV 89423 (800) 883-6229 [email protected] Monday through Friday 9:00am-4:00pm (PST)
狙击步枪科普:大毒蛇BA50 - 哔哩哔哩
Apr 27, 2023 · 大毒蛇BA50(英语:Bushmaster BA50)是一枝由美国枪械制造商大毒蛇武器公司所研制及生产的10发旋转后拉枪机、可拆卸弹匣供弹式重型狙击步枪(反器材步枪),发射12.7×99毫米(.50 BMG)北约口径制式步枪子弹。
大毒蛇BA50狙擊步槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
大毒蛇BA50 (英語: Bushmaster BA50)是一款由 美国 槍械製造商 大毒蛇武器公司 (英语:Bushmaster Firearms International) 所研製及生產的10發 旋转后拉枪机 、可拆卸 彈匣 供彈式重型 狙擊步槍 (反器材步槍),發射 12.7×99毫米 (.50 BMG) 北約 口徑 制式 步枪 子彈。
Bushmaster BA50 .50 BMG Bolt Action Rifle, Blk - 90102
From its match-grade chamber, out, the BA50 is built to shatter all previous expectations for long-range accuracy. A free-floated barrel, with 1-in-15 inches twist and 8 groove rifling is perfectly suited for harnessing sub-MOA accuracy from the .50 BMG.
Bushmaster BA50 Rifle - Wikipedia
The Bushmaster BA50 is a bolt-action, magazine-fed rifle designed to shoot the .50 BMG cartridge. It has a 22- (carbine) or 30-inch, match grade Lothar Walther free-floating barrel with a 1-in-15-inch twist rate (standard for the .50 BMG cartridge).
Bushmaster BA50 Bolt Action Rifle 50 BMG 30 Black Threaded Barrel
From its match-grade chamber, out, the BA50 is built to shatter all previous expectations for long-range accuracy. A free-floated barrel, with 1 in 15” twist and 8-groove rifling is perfectly suited for harnessing sub-MOA accuracy from the .50 BMG.
[轻武器科普] Bushmaster BA50步枪 - 哔哩哔哩
BA50是大毒蛇公司推出的.50口径步枪,在SHOT SHOW 2008首次展出。 实际上该枪并非由大毒蛇公司研制,而是由美国乔治亚州一家叫柯布制造公司(Cobb Manufacturing)的企业于2003年初设计的一种名为50A1的大口径步枪