[Japanese>English] is あんた ばか Anta Baka? from …
2021年3月9日 · 代わりに、巷で、ネット上で、”Anta Baka”がどのように書かれていることが多いのか個人的感覚から言いますと、 あんたバカァ?≧あんたバカ?>あんた馬鹿?=あんたばか?
What does "sussy baka" mean? : r/NoStupidQuestions - Reddit
2024年5月4日 · Baka is Japanese for idiot, common in anime Sus is slang for suspicious, form the game Amongus these two words are often used by fans of these as jokes, and Sussy baka combines it to be more of a joke refuring to someone who is both Sus and a Baka, and is about 3 layers deep in irony
"Amogus sussy baka" in Japanese : r/linguisticshumor - Reddit
2021年9月26日 · Baka. Thankfully, the last part, "baka", is already a Japanese word! But native Japanese words are so last decade, so we'll go with the English "idiot" in katakana: イディオット (idiotto). So, after throwing in some spacer dots for flair, "Amogus sussy baka" in Japanese is: アモグアス・サッシー・イディオット
Baka (Hiragana: ばか, Katakana: バカ) is a fairly common swear word in Japanese that means "idiot" or "fool".
Etymology of “sussy baka” (Link to the Twitter post in comments)
It isn’t too big of a stretch, the only sound change needed to get “baka” from “moha” would be the “o —> a”, “b” for “m” is a characteristic of Kan’on so it would be a loan from the Tang dynasty (慕 is “bo” in Kan’on) and “k” for “h” is a well-known characteristic of Sino-Japanese (何 …
What's the difference between "Aho" and "Baka"? - Reddit
22 votes, 16 comments. true. Many years ago the tv program 探偵ナイトスクープ surveyed the entire country to determine where the border between the people using アホ and those using バカ was (アホとバカの境界線をさがせ).
Anime lines that make you facepalm : r/anime - Reddit
2015年2月25日 · Much like how anime is for the Japanese otaku, every can watch it, but IIRC it's written for the nobles. By nobles I don't mean in how they act, but their positions in society, their wealth. In this case, I don't think these 2 characters are any better off in wealth and education (since they all go to the same school).
What is the word for "baka" in Tagalog? : r/Tagalog - Reddit
2021年9月16日 · r/translator is *the* community for Reddit translation requests. Need something translated? Post here! We will help you translate any language, including Japanese, Chinese, German, Arabic, and many others. If you speak more than one language - especially rare ones - and want to put your multilingual skills to use, come join us!
Anyone know the historical racist terms the Japanese used
2016年8月31日 · BTW, "馬鹿ちょん” is often mistaken but the term had existed since the Edo era, as baka means stupid and "chon" means someone immature, or not fully developed, but sometimes along the time when the illegal immigration had started from the Korean peninsula, maybe like 1920's during the depression, Japanese started to use "chon" for Korean ...
Appropriate Japanese Exclaimations : r/LearnJapanese - Reddit
2014年11月25日 · There is no "swearing" in Japanese in the way we have it in English. "Baka" does just mean "idiot", and it's not "much more to native Japanese". Casually insulting other people is what would be inappropriate in Japan, not the usage of the word ばか, which is indeed very commonly used.