Barony - THE First-person roguelike RPG with cooperative play!
Hi everyone! If you're coming to Barony from the Epic Games Store, this is a thread to post any technical support questions you have for the EGS version of Barony. In general if you have a bug or gameplay report, consult our wiki for information on what to submit - Link to the wiki
Character tier list or ranking? : r/baronygame - Reddit
The following tier list is pinned in the guides-tutorials channel on the Barony Community Discord Server: [Singleplayer] Races S Tier: Vampire, Incubus A Tier: Succubus A-/B+ Tier: Insectoid B Tier: Human, Automaton, Goblin, Skeleton C Tier: Goatman NOTE: No race is inherently 'unfun', but some races simply perform better.
Favorite class/race combinations? : r/baronygame - Reddit
2023年4月1日 · This is a public discussion forum for Barony, the new roguelike RPG game by Turning Wheel. Pretty much anything goes here as long as it's related to the game in some shape or form.
Solo run tips? : r/baronygame - Reddit
2023年10月25日 · barony is a game where resource management is key, youll want to learn how to kite enemies, be aware of your surrounding using sound/sneaking, having the right spell for the right situation and absolutely using traps/throwables. try all the classes as each one has something unique to add.
Tips? : r/baronygame - Reddit
Concerning the Barony DLCs: They are Awesome! And add even more content to the game in the form of character options, I highly recommend both of them, but Note: you are not missing any Dungeon content by not having them, so don't feel you have to jump all in on Barony at once, dip your toes in first, see if this Steamy, Dungeon Darkness is to your Liking; it's to my Liking.
Monk Guide! : r/baronygame - Reddit
2021年2月25日 · This guide details exactly what I did to beat the game after a few tries as monk. When you spawn as monk, you will be equipped with a tunic, brass knuckles, and a spellbook of light. The goal I keep in mind when playing monk is to take advantag
Ok seriously...how do you beat this game? : r/baronygame - Reddit
2023年4月29日 · So the gear does actually get better but you have to be picky where you can. In the first section, floors 1-4, you’re going to be finding a lot of skeletons as enemies, these guys are your best, and usually only, source of gear, but a lot of stuff they’re using is low quality or cursed, so in these first few stages you want to pick the style of weapon you want to go for …
What is your favorite race class combo? : r/baronygame - Reddit
2023年1月29日 · This is a public discussion forum for Barony, the new roguelike RPG game by Turning Wheel. Pretty much anything goes here as long as it's related to the game in some shape or form.
Shaman Guides : r/baronygame - Reddit
2023年1月15日 · Know what fights to pick, you probably shouldn't pick a fight with a troll or armored skeleton on floor 1 unless you have backup. spiders, rats and trolls can be befriended when you morph into them so you should use this to your advantage, let them take hits while you ambush with your sword (or fists because unarmed is good for troll form) from behind.
What are the best mods? : r/baronygame - Reddit
2023年11月13日 · The subreddit for all things related to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the Java edition of …