Bartre - Fire Emblem Wiki
Bartre is a playable character in Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade and Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade. He appears alongside Dorcas in Chapter... My body is powerful, but your body has brains.
Bartre - Fire Emblem Wiki
To Bartre, everything comes second to his daughter, whom he loves with all his heart—and then some. In fact, once he was reunited with Fir, he seemed more full of life than ever! Isn't that adorable? Bartre fights bravely as an ally of the people and always stays true to his beliefs. He's a shining example to warriors everywhere!
Bartre/Supports - Fire Emblem Wiki
Bartre:...After she fell sick, my wife starting telling me about her family for the first time. She talked about her heritage, about you, and...about herself. Karel: I'm sure my sister was happy to be with you when she left this world. Bartre: Around that time was when we first met each other as well... You resembled my wife when we first met.
Bartre - Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fir's father and Karla's husband. Karel's brother-in-law. Bartre appears as a playable character in both Binding Blade and Blazing Blade.
Bartre Builds and Best IVs | Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)|Game8
2025年2月17日 · This is a ratings and ranking page for the hero Bartre: Fearless Warrior in Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). Read on to learn the best IVs (Individual Values), best builds (Inherit Skill), weapon refinement, stats at Lv 40, and more for Bartre.
Bartre (Character) - Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade
Bartre is old friends with Dorcas, and also a fighter. He is very rash and reckless, but has a kind heart. He prefers to use his muscles instead of his brains.
Playing FE7 who should I use and who is best?
2016年9月18日 · FF7 is a forgiving game when it comes to what units to use because even the worst can be effective. Dorcas and Bartre are not going to gain much speed but they are still quite likely to gain enough speed to double units that are weighed down by steel weapons, of which there are a lot in the midgame all the way to late game.
FE6(Binding Blade) Community tier list day 17:Bartre
Bartre is a pretty solid filler unit hidden away by being on the lesser route. Gigantic base strength allows him to 2HKO plenty of enemies, unfortunately he comes up short of being able to OHKO...
bartre - Store norske leksikon
Bartre er den eldste og største gruppa av nolevande nakenfrøa plantar, med rundt 615 artar som blir delte i seks til åtte familiar og omtrent 70 slekter. Dei oppstod i siste del av karbon, for omtrent 300 millionar år sidan, og hadde til midtre krit, det vil seia i nesten 200 millionar år, mykje større utbreiing og artsrikdom enn i dag.
Bartrær – Wikipedia
Pinje er en art i furuslekten. Sedertre. Europeisk lerk i høstfarger. Blader og frukt av barlind. apeskrekktre.. Bartrær (Pineales eller Pinophyta) er den overlegent største nålevende gruppa av nakenfrøede planter.I tradisjonell taksonomi karakteriseres de nålevende artene som én orden furuplanter (Pinales), men det finnes også utdødde grupper som til sammen utgjør underklassen ...