2018年10月29日 · 传统意义上,“brasserie”一词指的是一些可酿造自己的啤酒并供应成品菜肴的餐馆。 (Brasserie起源于阿尔萨斯语,用于解释其日常供应的菜肴:香肠、酸菜和其他日耳曼食品。 虽然brasserie有望提供专业服务,迎合更多高档顾客,而不再单单服务bistro-goers(酒馆常客),但它们通常较小型且非常随意,与典型的米其林星级餐厅相去甚远。 Brasserie等同于意大利语中的trattoria一词,它比osteria(一种café形式的场所,供应美酒和快餐)更加正式,但又 …
Brasserie - Wikipedia
In France, Flanders, and the Francophone world, a brasserie (pronounced [bʁas (ə)ʁi] ⓘ) is a type of French restaurant with a relaxed setting, which serves dishes and other meals. The word brasserie is French for "brewery" and, by extension, "the brewing business".
巴黎的“酒吧”和“餐馆”到底有什么区别? - 知乎专栏
Brasserie本义是啤酒厂,啤酒店。现在主要用来指啤酒餐厅。其最大的特色就是有桶装啤酒的供应。 规模比bistrot大,装修也更大气,提供的菜品虽然单一,但都是地道的法国菜,品质满满。所以喜欢啤酒(la bière)的小伙伴,一定不要错过这里哦!
BRASSERIE中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
【巴賽麗廳 La Brasserie|亞都麗緻】細緻經典法國菜,有「身分 …
【巴賽麗廳 La Brasserie】為法國外交部特選的「味覺˙法國」美食餐廳,延續19世紀的黑衣裙侍女迎客、黃銅欄杆、酒紅皮革沙發等裝飾與設計藝術,營造出當時典雅浪漫的歐洲風情。
What is a brasserie, bistro, café & what's the Difference? A
2024年1月10日 · What’s a brasserie, and what’s the difference between a brasserie, café and a French bistro? Here’s everything you need to know about these classic French restaurants, including a bit of history, the origins of their names and some example dishes you might find at each type of restaurant, which I pulled directly off of Parisian menus.
Brasserie by Niche
Brasserie by Niche offers a menu of French bistro fare with perfected interpretations of classic dishes such as onion soup, housemade country pâté, and cassoulet with duck confit. Recognizable by its bright red exterior, Brasserie by Niche offers an approachable, lively dining experience with its warm, inviting atmosphere, pressed-tin ceiling ...
Brasserie vs Bistro vs Restaurant vs Café: What’s the Difference?
2021年11月10日 · What is a bistro? What is a brasserie? What is a café? And what is the difference between them and a restaurant? If you're visiting France, and especially Paris, you'll want to know brasserie vs bistro vs restaurant vs cafe. Bistro menu vs brasserie menu and their hours. Making reservations, tipping in France, and requesting the check.
brasserie是什么意思_brasserie的翻译_音标_读音_用法_例句_爱词 …
BRASSERIE GISÈLE | Brasserie Paris 3
Située au coeur du marais, Brasserie Gisèle incarne une vision, celle d’une brasserie ou le temps semble s’arrêter, pour laisser place à la beauté d’un moment partagé. Le matin on s’y retrouve pour un brunch généreux à savourer en terrasse ou à l’intérieur.