Bal-A-Vis-X – For brain and brain-body integration
What is Trauma Informed Bal-A-Vis-X? Bal-A-Vis-X has been used with students who are labeled learning disabled, behaviorally disordered, ADD/ADHD, Down Syndrome, physically disabled, or individuals with visual acuity of 20/20, yet whose vision remains deficient.
BAVX Resources & Supplies
Bal-A-Vis-X training and practice resources. High bounce balls, sandbags, balance boards, books, dvds, videos.
Kinesthetic Regulation with Bal-A-Vis-X
Bal-A-Vis-X is a series of over 300 Balance/Auditory/Vision eXercises, all of which are deeply rooted in rhythm. The exercises range from one hand tossing and catching one sandbag to both hands tossing and catching for BAVX balls in a specified sequence.
What Is - Bal-A-Vis-X
Bal-A-Vis-X? The program consists of 200+ exercises, each rooted deeply in rhythm. They range in difficulty from one hand passing/receiving a single sandbag to both hands bouncing/catching four racquetballs in a specified sequence.
Bal-A-Vis-X Balls, Bags, and Boards – BAVX Resources
BAVX Resources, LLC 633 N Phillips St Andover, KS 67002. 316-650-3939. [email protected]
Bal-A-Vis-X: Rhythmic Balance/Auditory/Vision eXercises for …
2014年12月27日 · Bal-A-Vis-X is an acronym for Balance/Auditory/Vision eXercises, all of which are deeply rooted in rhythm. Using sand-filled bags and racquetballs, these exercises address visual tracking deficiency, auditory imprecision, impulsivity, balance and anxiety issues.
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Frequently Asked Questions - Bal-A-Vis-X
Rhythmic movement is easier to learn, to practice, to remember, and to teach because it is consistently replicable and predictable. This is why even the most accomplished pianist revisits scales and basic techniques each day, to re-engage touch and rhythmicity’s flow. All of Bal-A-Vis-X is deeply rooted in rhythm. [Bill Hubert]
Bal-A-Vis-X - Bal-A-Vis-X International Regular Bal-A-Vis-X
Regular Bal-A-Vis-X (R-BAVX) is a series of BALance, Auditory, VISion, eXercises of varied complexity, all of which are deeply rooted in rhythm. The exercises are done using sand-filled bags, racquetballs, and sometimes balance boards.
Bal-A-Vis-X High Bounce Balls by the Gross – BAVX Resources
High bounce balls made specifically for Bal-A-Vis-X practice. These balls are made with a high "bounce-return" value for responsive bouncing. Balls are made with natural rubber. Available in yellow, green, red, or blue.
Bal-A-Vis-X Exercises - Bavxct
There are approximately 300 Bal-A-Vis-X exercises that range from simple to complex, using only one bag or up to 6 balls simultaneously for individual activities: the aerobic exercise, therapy for down syndrome, and autism spectrum disorder therapy for kids.