Chemotherapy-induced pyroptosis is mediated by BAK/BAX …
2020年4月24日 · Many chemotherapy treatments induce apoptosis or pyroptosis through BAK/BAX-dependent mitochondrial pathway. BAK/BAX activation causes the mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization (MOMP),...
Bax siRNA promotes survival of cultured and allografted granule …
2008年3月7日 · In vivo and ex vivo experiments revealed that C2-ceramide increases Bax expression, while PACAP reverses this effect. In vitro tests using cerebellar NPCs demonstrated that the Bax-specific...
Transfection of hard-to-transfect primary human macrophages with Bax …
Small interfering RNA (siRNA) is a critical loss-of-function tool for elucidating the role of genes in biomedical studies. The effective use of siRNA needs transfection technology that delivers siRNA into the correct location of target cells, especially those which are extremely difficult to transfect.
The pro-apoptotic BAX protein influences cell growth and ...
Phase contrast pictures of cells transfected with control lipofectamine alone (Lipo, left panel), control siRNA (Cont. siRNA, middle panel) and BAX siRNA #1 (right panel) suggest a decreased in proliferation in BAX siRNA #1 treated cells.
Small-molecule Bax agonists for cancer therapy - Nature
2014年9月17日 · We recently identified serine 184 (S184) of Bax as a critical functional switch controlling its proapoptotic activity. Here we used the structural pocket around S184 as a docking site to screen...
Vaccination with dendritic cells transfected with BAK and BAX siRNA ...
In this study, we show that human papillomavirus E7-loaded dendritic cells transfected with BAK/BAX siRNA downregulate Bak and Bax protein expression and become resistant to killing by T cells, leading to enhanced E7-specific CD8+ T cell activation and antitumor effects in vivo.
Bax siRNA 和 shRNA 质粒 (h) - Santa Cruz Biotechnology
siRNA产品通常包含3-5种目标特异的19-25 nt的siRNA,用于敲除基因表达; 如果需要确认某一种siRNA单独沉默Bax基因效果,可以申请单独购买某种siRNA双链。 适合的对照抗体: Bax: sc-7480; 同时提供sqRT-PCR 引物: Bax (h)-PR: sc-29212-PR, 20 µl; 获取 si/shRNA 基因沉默子的详细信息
SignalSilence® Bax siRNA I | Cell Signaling Technology
SignalSilence ® Bax siRNA I from Cell Signaling Technology (CST) allows the researcher to specifically inhibit Bax expression using RNA interference, a method whereby gene expression can be selectively silenced through the delivery of double stranded RNA molecules into the cell.
Transfection of hard-to-transfect primary human macrophages with Bax …
Small interfering RNA (siRNA) is a critical loss-of-function tool for elucidating the role of genes in biomedical studies. The effective use of siRNA needs transfection technology that delivers siRNA into the correct location of target cells, especially those which are extremely difficult to transfe …
Enhancing dendritic cell vaccine potency by combining a BAK/BAX siRNA …
2007年2月21日 · DCs expressing intact E7 or Sig/E7/LAMP-1 became resistant to attack by CD8 + T cells after transfection with BAK/BAX siRNA, leading to enhanced E7-specific T cell activation in vitro and in vivo. More importantly, vaccination with E7-presenting DCs transfected with BAK/BAX siRNA generated a strong therapeutic effect against an E7-expressing ...