South Dakota-class battleship (1920) - Wikipedia
Considerably larger and more powerful than the preceding Colorado class, the South Dakota class was designed to achieve 23 knots (43 km/h; 26 mph), they represented an attempt to …
Indiana (BB 50) - NHHC
Powerplant: 60,000 horsepower steam turbines with electric drive, producing a 23 knot maximum speed. Armament (Main Battery): Twelve 16"/50 guns in four triple turrets. Armament …
5000W-BB-50 Broadband 5000 W Water-Cooled Thermal Sensor
The 5000W-BB-50 thermopile sensor is a water cooled thermal laser power sensor with a 50 mm aperture. It can measure optical power from 20 to 5000 W. It has the spectrally flat broadband …
FL400A-BB-50 Broadband 400 W Fan-Cooled Thermal Sensor
The FL400A-BB-50 thermopile sensor is a general purpose fan cooled laser power and energy thermal sensor with a 50 mm aperture. It can measure optical power from 300 mW to 400 W …
USS Indiana - Wikipedia
USS Indiana (BB-1), was a battleship commissioned in 1895 that saw action in the Spanish–American War; USS Indiana (BB-50), was a battleship under construction but …
美国战列舰列表 - 哔哩哔哩
BB-48 西弗吉尼亚(West Virginia)1923.12.1服役 . 南达科他级. BB-49 南达科他(South Dakota)未建成 计划中途取消. BB-50 印第安纳(Indiana)未建成 计划中途取消. BB-51 蒙 …
L1500W-BB-50 7Z02752 高功率水冷式热传感器-光学仪器-北京多 …
L1500W-BB-50是一款水冷式热功率/能量激光测量传感器,具有50mm孔径。 其功率测量范围是15W~1500W,能量测量范围是500mJ~200J。 其具有频谱平坦的宽带涂层,频谱覆盖范围 …
颚式粉碎仪 BB 50 紧凑的台式型号 - RETSCH
bb 50 是一款坚固且功能强大的颚式破碎机。进料通过无回弹料斗进入破碎室。 破碎发生在固定破碎鄂板和偏心驱动轴移动破碎鄂板之间的楔形区域。椭圆型运动使样品破碎,然后样品在重力 …
400Wファン空冷サーマルセンサー BB型 有効口径 ⌀50mm FL400A-BB-50…
FL400A-BB-50 サーマルセンサーは、レーザーパワーおよびエネルギー測定用ファン空冷汎用センサーで、有効口径は50mmです。300mW-400Wまで連続して測定でき、500Wまで断続的 …
BB-50-G Boiler Buddy Buffer Tank 50 Gal Geothermal W/Aquastat
BB-50-G Boiler Buddy Buffer Tank 50 Gal Geothermal W/Aquastat. The Boiler Buddy is designed to be used in heating systems with low-mass boilers, geothermal, chilled water applications, or …
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