Game Jolt - Share your creations
For whose of you who has a MacOS computer, try this one! https://gamejolt.com/games/bbsoc-1-the-first-few-maps-for-macOS/891999. This mod will be cancelled after all that hard work …
- 评论数: 9
Baldi's Basics Schools of Chaos Wiki | Fandom
Welcome to the Baldi's Basics Schools of Chaos Wiki! We're a collaborative community website about Baldi's Basics Schools of Chaos that anyone, including you, can build and expand. Wikis like this one depend on readers getting involved and adding content. Click the "ADD NEW PAGE" or "EDIT" button at the top of any page to get started! TBA.
BBSOC 1 The First Few Maps - YouTube
2024年5月8日 · Find the game on my Game Jolt profile or join to the Official Discord Server in my channel!
Characters | Baldi's Basics Schools of Chaos Wiki | Fandom
Great teacher due to his incredible hearing abilities! He can not only tell where any sound came from, but who made it too! "If I see anyone breaking the school rules, I'll make sure justice is served! It tastes good and fills my tummy!" What do you do when the school opens in 7 hours and you haven't hired a janitor? Hire a broom!
Baldi's Basics Schools of Chaos Wiki - Fandom
This page primarily contains content that may be included in a new version of BBSOC. The New Radical School is the 1st Floor in Set 1 of Baldi's Basics Schools of Chaos. The following characters made their debuts in this map: TBA. This is the first map made by CullBee, and is primarily used to test stuff.
Game Jolt - Share your creations
Finally V1.0 update of Baldi's Basics Schools of Chaos is here! Go play it now! https://gamejolt.com/games/bbsoc-1-the-first-few-maps/883297. @cullbee7. I revived The Bummus Hummus School... Now what? Changelogs to this version: * Fixed Random Events. * Fixed Jake Johnson corruption particles. * Kayleigh Xiang is now possible to click on her.
Me Attempting To Beat All Characters On... - BBSOC 1: The ... - YouTube
2024年4月7日 · You guessed it! The mod is out now on Game Jolt! Some things will change in the future like some bugs and stuff.Download on Game Jolt: https://gamejolt.com/g...
BSOC中国文具大赏评委;带你看看国内的有趣新文具 - 少数派
2024年9月17日 · 银河时空舱是进一步发展出来的国货之光,采用了旋转出笔尖的设计,使用感更柔和,笔夹在出尖状态也能禁止使用,书写顺滑感依旧,并且不再那么洇纸。 外观设计上,配色好看,笔芯用了银色配合设计概念。 细节做工上,弹簧是完全固定的,很适合使用,综合很推荐,国产中性笔从抄袭借鉴,到如今确实越做越好。 如果特别需要书写字迹细的笔,那它不是很合适,以及如果喜欢素雅设计,这款配色还是太跳跃了。 艺雅的铅笔之前评测过,我认为品质相当不 …
Game Jolt - Share your creations
Welcome to the Baldi's Basics Schools of Chaos! This mod utilize an insane amount of schools to choose from and will definitely be a lot of fun, and especially potential horror elements, you know! Also for that, Baldi and his friends will visit throughout the level maps made by our own Contribution Team, so there are new stuff to encounter with!
- 评论数: 3
2024 BSOC中国文具大赏TOP奖出炉;神仙文具分享 - 少数派
2024年10月20日 · 2024年度BSOC中国文具大赏终审会于金秋十月的上海落幕,和以往作为一个文具爱好者的角度去品鉴获奖的有趣文具不同,今年有幸加入评审组织,在现场质询品牌方,沟通产品的设计与改进,为产品评分。 一共10款文具获得了今年的TOP奖,全部的产品我也都实际使用体验过,这份获奖名单是大家审评下来,一致通过的意见,也代表了在国内生产、制造、销售,为中国文具使用者、爱好者服务的产品在创意、设计、实用属性方面的全新作品。 10款产品包括 …