Bias Tees: 30 KHz to 40 GHz - Narda-MITEQ
Narda-MITEQ manufactures and designs high performance Microwave Bias Tees that operate from 30 kHz to 40 GHz. These Bias Tee products feature: ultra-broadband performance, low insertion losses, off-the-shelf delivery and compact designs.
Bias Tees - Avtech Electrosystems
Many Avtech pulse generators already have a bias-tee circuit built in, or offer it as an internal option. These models can often be customized to handle different combinations of DC currents, pulse voltages, and pulse widths. See also the AVX-S selection of bias insertion units, which include a high-speed socket for a diode device. Max.
BNC Tee Adapters - RF Coaxial Adapters | Amphenol RF
Amphenol RF offers a full range of BNC Tee Adapters designed for radio frequency applications. BNC Tee Adapters feature all industry standard connector interfaces in between-series and in-series designs.
RF Bias Tees (Bias Ts) - Mini-Circuits
Mini-Circuits is your complete source for coaxial and surface mount bias tees for DC current up to 5 Amps and RF bandwidths spanning 100 kHz to 12 GHz! Choose from coaxial connector types including SMA, N-Type, and BNC
射频适配器 - 三通 – Mouser
Mouser提供射频适配器 - 三通 的库存、定价和数据表。
Bias Tee理论到实践 - CSDN博客
2023年8月4日 · Bias Tees是将直流电压施加到必须传递 RF /微波信号的任何 组件 的必不可少的组件,最常见的是需要DC电源的RF 放大器。 对于窄带应用,bias tee 设计和结构是简单的,只需要注意组件的自谐振频率。
BIAS TEE / SMA / RoHS | ZFBT-4R2GW-FT+ | Mini-Circuits
For detailed questions regarding the performance characteristics and limitations of this product in your intended application, please click Contact Us and we will respond promptly. Shipping …
ISO-QF (KF) Tee - ANCORP | High and Ultra-High Vacuum Products
Tees accommodate junctions or alignment considerations for vacuum system design. They are also used as junction adapters between different tubing sizes or flange types.
KF (QF) HV Tees - Lesker
We fabricate these KF (QF) tees for HV systems from tubing and KF flanges. The KF (QF) flange is used for through- or foreline vacuum plumbing and for simple HV chamber ports. KF Tees Feature: Available in 304L stainless steel or aluminum 6061-T6 (standard tees only) Reducer tees adapt two different flange sizes
PSPL5370 Ultra-Broadband Pick-off Tee | Tektronix
The PSPL5370 Pick-off Tee is an ultra-broadband resistive coupler, which provides a scaled (5x or 10x) replica of signals passing through the tee. The device exhibits excellent through-line insertion loss and pick-off ratio stability for frequencies from DC to >25 GHz.