[1.12.5] Bluedog Design Bureau - Kerbal Space Program Forums
2015年9月30日 · For those familiar with KSP mods, BDB can be considered a stockalike equivalent of FASA, and a US counterpart to Tantares' soviet rockets. The parts are really overpowered! I managed to take a Mercury Hermes to Mercury Moho. The parts in BDB are balanced and scaled against the stock parts.
[1.11.x] Hephaistos - Stockalike ULA Vulcan - Official Stand-alone …
2020年9月5日 · Hephaistos V1.1 Hephaistos adds the ULA Vulcan rocket to KSP This mod is a stand-alone expansion to Bluedog Design Bureau, so this mod can be used without BDB ALBUM CONFIGURATIONS Features: S.M.A.R.T. Reuse Centaur V ACES Included in the Download: .craft files of all Vulcan configurations Simple ...
[1.12.5] Bluedog Design Bureau - Kerbal Space Program Forums
2015年9月30日 · Notice for BDB v1.7 Dev branch testers. The BDB Plugin has now been recompiled against KSP 1.8. As such it will no longer work on prior versions. Boiloff, special solar panel mirroring, depth masking etc will all be broken on earlier versions of ksp. edit: it should be forward compatible with ksp 1.9 though. Edited February 24, 2020 by Zorg
a new BDB-focused tech tree - Kerbal Space Program Forums
2021年9月10日 · Hi there! For the longest time, I've had trouble settling on a tech tree to use for my KSP playthroughs. TETRIX, Kiwi, Probes before Crew, and even just the standard Community Tech Tree are all good, but they each had some sort of issue or thing that I just didn'
[1.12.5] Bluedog Design Bureau - Kerbal Space Program Forums
2015年9月30日 · The best way to use the extras patches is just create a new folder in your GameData called precisely "Bluedog_DB_Extras", and then in the BDB download > BD_Extras (No Warranty) > GameData > Bluedog_DB_Extras folder, copy over the patches you want to use into the folder you made in your main GameData, like BDB_CCK:
BDB Apollo Program - KSP1 Mission Reports - Kerbal Space …
2022年4月21日 · Apollo 6 experienced two engine failures on the S-II, as well as an engine failure of the S-IVB. I haven't been able to find out which specific engines failed on the second stage, but testing with BDB Saturn indicates that it is still stable with any combination of …
Blue dog design bureau - Kerbal Space Program Forums
2022年1月24日 · Mods must be put into the GameData of KSP. For BDB it should be \Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Bluedog_DB. You put the entire content of the .zip into GameData.
KSA IVA Upgrade (Adopted) [some stock parts, BDB Apollo, SOCK]
2022年6月15日 · Hello @JonnyOThan, thx for the great work! Just installed v 1.6.1 in a fresh KSP 1.12.3 and enabled the old MK1Podv1 and just installed KSA IVA Upgrades + dependencies via CKAN but the IVA is broken in the old MK1 pod, because the kebal somehow sits totally wrong in it (upright on the launchpad).
[1.9.X] Tantares and BDB now in Colors! - KSP1 Mod Releases
2017年12月25日 · BDB Skins: @Invaderchaos. Tantares Skins: @Drakenex Amazing screenshots by: @Zorg All works and modification permitted by the great and talented @Beale and @CobaltWolf This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
AlphaMensae's Saturn Mobile Launcher Standalone BDB Version …
2018年2月20日 · The mobile launcher was designed for the Saturn V from my Simple Overhaul, which is at 64% scale. It however works rather well with the BDB Saturn V, it just meeded a few tweaks and adjustments. The BDB Saturn V is at a smaller scale, and I didn't rescale the tower, so it's taller than the BDB Saturn V than the real one was.