Artocarpus lacucha - Wikipedia
Artocarpus lacucha, also known as monkey jack[1] or monkey fruit, [1] is a tropical evergreen tree species of the family Moraceae. It is distributed throughout the Indian Subcontinent and Southeast Asia. [2] . The tree is valued for its wood; its fruit is edible …
How to Plant B-Dahl Grass - Garden Guides
2010年11月26日 · Individuals looking to introduce this grass, often simply called "B. Dahl," onto their property should plant the grass in late April or early May. Pull any weeds from the area prior to planting. Rake the soil to even it out. Add the B. Dahl seed to a broadcast spreader. Apply 2 pounds of pure live B. Dahl seed for every acre of land being planted.
WW B-Dahl is a very leafy and nutritious forage that can be grazed by livestock or harvested as hay. Because of its growth habit and exceptional forage production, it is an excellent choice for re-vegetation of rangeland or abandoned cultivated land. It is suitable for all classes of livestock, including cattle, sheep, goats, and horses.
PAR Resources | Pearcy Angus Ranch | Fairy, TX
WW-B. Dahl Bluestem grass is by far the best of the different varieties of bluestem, in terms of low maintenance, bug resistance (army worms & grasshoppers), hog resistance (dislike the grass aroma), abundant yield, and drought resistance. A single plant in its early stage will grow mostly flat to the ground.
Warner Brothers Seed Company
Old World bluestems are warm-season bunchgrasses that possess good forage potential for the southern Great Plains. These grasses respond very well to fertilization, are drought and cold tolerant for the most part, withstand close grazing, and are palatable to cattle.
WW-B Dahl Grasses
Silver Creek Farm is a family owned and operated registered cow-calf operation in the Texas Panhandle. We run Charolias, Maine-Arjou, and Hereford cows. Many of the cows currently in our herd are off springs of our children's show heifer projects. We use A.I. Extensively and have done some embryos work.
WW B DAHL - Johnston Seed Company
WW B Dahl has an outstanding leaf-to-stem ratio, resulting in high forage production and palatability. It is best adapted for southern plains areas receiving 15 to 35 inches of average rainfall. It has good drought tolerance and produces well under dryland or irrigated conditions. It does NOT do well in wet or alkaline soils.
क्या आपने खाया है बड़हल? जानें सेहत के लिए …
2021年7月7日 · बड़हल का सेवन लिवर के लिए बहुत फायदेमंद माना जाता है। बड़हल में एंटीइंफ्लेमेटरी और एंटी बैक्टीरियल गुण पाए जाते हैं जो लिवर के …
WW B DAHL – Johnston Seed Company
WW-B.Dahl' (jointly released in 1994 by Texas Tech, TAEX, and the Soil Conservation Service in 1994) the most recent release of Old World Bluestems and originated in India. It is typically more productive, has broader leaves, slightly more palatable, and matures later than other cultivars.
WW-B Dahl Bluestem - turnerseed
WW-B Dahl grass is an old world bluestem from India. Named after Dr. Bill Dahl, WW-B Dahl provides strong forage production and does well in central and southern Texas. Additionally, there is research showing the grass to have general insect-repelling properties, especially with the Red Imported Fire Ant! Height: 24" - 36"