Black Disciples - Wikipedia
The Black Disciples (often abbreviated as the BD's) is an African-American street gang that originated in Chicago, Illinois. In 1958, a group of young teenagers from the Hyde Park, Englewood, and Kenwood areas of Chicago formed an …
Gangster Disciples - Wikipedia
Post-1989, following growing tension between the two over declining leadership, the BGDN split into two new factions—Hoover's Gangster Disciple Nation (GDN) and Barksdale's Black Disciple Nation (BDN), respectively. As of 2022, following Hoover's departure, the GDN has no full-time leadership role. [11]
David Barksdale - Wikipedia
Within three years of arriving, Barksdale had become a notorious gang leader. By 1966, his gang absorbed several others and became known as the Black Disciple Nation. Tensions grew between the Black Disciples and other gangs such as the Black Stone Rangers.
Black Disciples | Chicago Gangs
The Black Disciples, sometimes abbreviated as BDN, BDN III, BD’s, are one of the largest Chicago based street gangs. Initially, in 1958, a group of teens from Englewood, Hyde Park, and Kenwood came together as a group to create an alliance and protect themselves from rivals.
Black Disciples - Chicago Gang History
The BDs grew incredibly in the 1990s and 2000s decade as they climbed up to becoming one of the top 10 largest gangs in Chicagoland with members in other states and scattered all over the suburbs. Violent gang wars erupted in the Robert Taylor and Stateway Gardens projects as gun fire echoed day and night mainly between BDs and GDs.
'King David' Barksdale, The Founder Of The Black Disciples - All …
2023年8月22日 · Among the most influential figures in Chicago’s gang history, David Barksdale founded the Black Disciples, a notorious street gang, when he was just a teenager. Over time, he gained his own reputation on Chicago’s South Side as a strong and feared leader.
Gangster Disciples | Chicago Gangs - Chicago Rap & Hip-Hop …
The Gangster Disciples are primarily an African American street gang formed by Larry Hoover in South Side, Chicago, Illinois in 1968. Originally, Larry Hoover, leader of the Supreme Gangsters and David Barksdale, leader of the Black Disciples united to form the Black Gangster Disciple Nation (BGDN).
Northern District of Illinois | Alleged Chicago Gang Leader Among …
2020年7月29日 · CHICAGO — The alleged leader of the Black Disciples street gang in Chicago is among 23 individuals facing criminal charges as part of a federal investigation into drug and gun trafficking on the city’s South Side.
Gang Profile: The Black Disciples | Office of Justice Programs
The Black Disciples (BDs) are the Chicago "folks" gang that is structured more like a religion than a corporate enterprise and that gained international publicity in 1994 by executing an 11-year-old member.
Black Disciples - unitedgangs.com
The Black Disciples (BD), also known as the Black Disciples Nation (BDN), are a large predominantly African-American street gang founded in 1960, by David Barksdale, on the South South of Chicago, Illinois.