【说文解字】face和be faced with之间的区别 - 知乎
当表达“一个人面对某件事”时,可以有两种说法:主语+face+事情;或是主语+be+faced with;两个方法意思是一样的,都是“面对某事”;唯一的区别在于,主语+face,更加倾向于主语主动去面对这个事情;而be+faced+with则倾向于事情主动来了,不得不面对(所以这里用了被动) 还有“事情+faced by+someone”其实就是换了下主被动,意思比较好理解。 当然,英语中还会出现“主语+face with”的用法;看到这个用法你可能就懵了,不是“be+faced with”吗? be动词呢? 其实“主 …
face with 和 be faced with 区别 - 百度知道
face with表达的是积极、主动的态度,意味着直接面对,而be faced with传达的是被动、消极的态度,面临被迫选择的压力。 例句: ①Face with the difficulties, we should stay optimistic. 面对困难,我们应该保持乐观。 ②Students are often faced with the stress of exams. 学生们常常面临考试的压力。 3、动态性不同. face with更多用于描述正在发生的或将要发生的情况。 be faced with常用于描述已经出现的情况或被迫处于的环境。 例句: ①Face with the challenges, we …
关于facing sth与be faced with sth的问题 - 柯帕斯英语网
2014年12月24日 · 有的专家这样解释:注意 be faced with 是英语中的常用搭配,意思是“面对”。 又如: He is faced with a difficult choice. 他面临困难的抉择。 They are all faced with the same problem. 他们都面临同样的问题。 The country is now faced with the prospect of war. 这个国家目前正面临战争。 此题如果要选 Facing,则要去掉 with,即说成: Facing so much trouble, we failed to complete the task on time. 此时的 face 为及物动词,也表示“面对”。
干货|英语词语辨析:face;face up to;be faced with - 百家号
2023年5月22日 · be faced with sth., 这个词组是系表结构,表示主语所处的状况,并且主语通常是人,with后面接事物,不接人。 例如: The soldiers were faced with danger. 士兵们面临着危险。 At that time we were faced with great difficulties. 那时,我们正面临着严重的困难。 If the situation in our findings goes on, we may be faced with a financial crisis among the old people who can't pay off their credit cards.
'To Face' vs. 'To Be Faced With'. What's the Difference?
2021年7月6日 · To face something means to confront or deal with something difficult or unpleasant. As a result, you are describing an action. To be faced with something has a similar meaning, but in this case you are describing a situation. "To be faced with" means that you are passive, maybe because you are unwilling to confront a situation.
【be faced with 】 と 【face】 はどう違いますか? | HiNative
「be faced with」は状況があなたのコントロール外であることを示しています。 「face something」は、あなたがその問題に立ち向かうことを選んでいることを示しています。 この回答は役に立ちましたか? ありがとうございます! put up with と stand はどう違いますか? face myself と reflect to myself はどう違いますか? withstand と endure と put up with はどう違いますか? pose as と pretend to be はどう違いますか? put up with と stand はどう違いますか?
Be-Total B-Fase Integratore per la Stanchezza 20 compresse
BeTotal B-Fase è un integratore alimentare a base di vitamine B ad alto dosaggio formulato per fornire un completo apporto di vitamine. Questo integratore è ideale per chi è alla ricerca di un supporto nutrizionale che contribuisca al benessere generale e …
Be.Face - LinkedIn
Be.Face NGO is a network of companies campaigning for inclusion in the workplace, creating opportunities for students and job-seekers alike.
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Moon Phase for today and tonight with current lunar phase, illumination percentage and Moons age. Find out what the Moon Phase is on any other day of the year.
BeTotal B Fase | Sostegno alla tua energia rapido e prolungato
Il nuovo BeTotal B-Fase offre un sostegno rapido e prolungato alla tua energia. Grazie alla sua tecnologia, ogni compressa doppio strato di BeTotal B-Fase rilascia i nutrienti in due fasi nel tempo:
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