Royal Aircraft Factory B.E.2 - Wikipedia
The Royal Aircraft Factory B.E.2 is a British single-engine tractor two-seat biplane, designed and developed at the Royal Aircraft Factory. Most of the roughly 3,500 built were constructed under contract by private companies, including established aircraft manufacturers and firms new to aircraft construction.
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Royal Aircraft Factory B.E.2 - Military Factory
2018年10月22日 · During 1915, the B.E.2 (B.E.2c) was made to service the night fighter role as a single-seat interceptor granted extra fuel stores, an angled Lewis machine gun, and hand-dropped ordnance to be used against German Zeppelins over England. In this way, the B.E.2 became one of the earliest airframes to fulfill the dedicated night fighting role.
British B.E.2 - World-War-1
The Royal Aircraft Factory B.E.2 was a British single-engine tractor two-seat biplane designed and developed at the Royal Aircraft Factory. Most production aircraft were constructed under contract by various private companies, both established aircraft manufacturers and firms that had not previously built aircraft.
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R.A.F. Be2f | Memorial Flight
Memorial Flight's Be2f is finished as a night bomber. It is equipped with functional cockpit lights, navigation lights and wing tip Holt flares. The cockpit is then specially modified as it would have been during the war. This photoscope shows the Be2f cockpit (rear seat) as well as the observer station (front seat) with working lighting.
BE2e FIRST ENGINE RUN 110311_2.AVI - YouTube
2011年3月12日 · My newly finished BE2e WWI biplane complete with scale working exhaust. Powered by a 70 size four stroke engine. Unfortunately it was too gusty to test fly today. Built in memory of the late...
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RAF BE2e BE2はイギリスの単発、複葉、二人乗りの複葉機で、ジョフリー・デハビランドによって BE1の開発型として設計され、ジョフリー・デハビランドその人がテストパイロットとし て、1912年の2月に初飛行をおこなった 当初は偵察機として生産が開始され ...