BEHモデル(超高速制御用) - Miki Pulley
超高速制御・高精度を実現する電磁クラッチ・ブレーキ電源装置の最上位機種です。 BEH モデルは、静音タイプです。 通常、運転時には電磁クラッチ・ブレーキから、うなるような励 …
柱粒子技术 BEH, CSH, HSS 和 固核 | Waters - Waters Corporation
沃特世亚乙基桥杂化(BEH Technology™)技术。 分析人员可使用带有标记的沃特世葡聚糖校准曲线标准品 (部件号186006841)对色谱柱进行校准,这样就可以使用
電磁クラッチ・ブレーキ電源装置(超高速制御用) BEH | 三木 …
・超高速制御・高精度を実現する電磁クラッチ・ブレーキ電源装置の最上位機種です。 ・BEHモデルは、静音タイプです。 ・通常、運転時には電磁クラッチ・ブレーキから、うなるよう …
Column Particle Technologies | Waters
BEH Technology. The 1.7 µm Ethylene Bridged Hybrid [BEH] particle is one of the key enablers behind UPLC Technology. It is available in three different pore sizes [130Å, 200Å, and 300Å] …
BEH Models (for ultra-high-speed control) - Miki Pulley
It achieves ultra-high-speed control and high precision. The BEH models are quiet power supplies. Electromagnetic clutches and brakes normally produce howling sounds during …
ACQUITY UPLC Protein BEH SEC Column, 200 Å, 1.7 µm, 4.6 mm …
Based upon the highly successful BEH particle technology, the ACQUITY UPLC Protein BEH SEC Column, 200 Å, 1.7 µm, 4.6 mm X 150 mm represents the first commercially available …
synthetic oligonucleotide sample consisting of 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35 mer deoxythymidine. Approximately 0.1 nmol of each oligonucleotide was injected onto the ACQUITY UPLC and …
Kawasaki Miki Pulley BEH-20-A-1 BEH20A1 AC 200V DC 16V 4A …
2024年6月1日 · We trade new and used PLC parts of different brands, special test equipment and instruments, motors, drives, semiconductor and electronic industry related parts, and the list …
Thank you for choosing a WatersTM ACQUITYTM UPLCTM and/ or ACQUITY Premier BEH Column. The ACQUITY BEH packing materials were designed specifically for use with the …