Beriev Be-6 - Wikipedia
The Beriev Be-6 (USAF/DoD reporting name "Type 34", [1] NATO reporting name "Madge" [2]) was a flying boat produced by the Soviet Beriev OKB. It was capable of accomplishing a wide …
Berijew Be-6 – Wikipedia
Die Be-6 wurde aus ihrem Vorgängermodell Berijew LL-143 entwickelt, von der nur ein Prototyp existierte. Wie diese war sie ein Schulterdecker in Ganzmetallbauweise. Das Vorgängerprojekt …
Beriev Be-6, Be-10, & Be-12 Flying Boats - AirVectors
Sources give about 1,300 MBR-2 flying boats built in all, making it Beriev's most successful flying boat in terms of sheer production numbers. Other Beriev seaplanes designed in the 1930s …
Giant Soviet Flying Boat That Chased NATO Submarines | Beriev …
Today we're taking a look at the Beriev Be-6. This was a large flying boat developed in the Soviet Union, and one that saw extensive service during the first...
Berijew / Beriev Be-6 - Specifications - Technical Data / Description
The Beriev Be-6 is a twin-engined maritime patrol and bomber flying boat produced by the Soviet manufacturer Beriev Design Bureau, today Beriev Aircraft Company (Russia). Crew: 7-8: …
Be-6 | War Thunder Wiki
The Be-6 was a Soviet multi-purpose flying boat designed with the intent of carrying out various maritime missions. The primary purposes for which it was designed were anti-submarine …
Beriev Be-6 - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
El Beriev Be-6 (código USAF: DoD "Tipo 34" y de la OTAN "Madge") fue un hidrocanoa producido por la oficina de diseño (OKB) Beriev en Tagarong. Era capaz de cumplir una amplia variedad …
Beriev Be-6 Madge - GlobalSecurity.org
The experimental scout bomber Beriev aircraft LL-143 was an all-metal, high-wing monoplane, which had two Shvetsova ASH-72 radial engines with an output of 1492 kW (2000 hp). The …
别-200“牵牛星”水陆两栖飞机 - 百度百科
在20世纪40年代至60年代,在前苏联别里耶夫飞机设计局(G.M.Beriev)监督指导下,位于塔甘罗格的工厂开发出一系列世界闻名的水上飞机:别-6 活塞式发动机 水上飞机,别-10 喷气式发动 …
别里耶夫设计局 - 百度百科
苏联别里也夫(G.M.Beriev)飞机设计局于1972年研制的水上反潜机VVA-14,设计师巴尔蒂尼带领一个设计小组研制出了用于水上反潜的VVA-14中型垂直起降水陆两用飞机。VVA-14采用组 …