Voigtlander Bessa R4M / R4A - CameraQuest
Introduced at Photokina in October 2006, the Voigtlander R4M and R4A are the ONLY production 35mm rangefinder cameras EVER made with built in parallax projected framelines for 21, 25, 28, 35, and 50mm lenses.
35 mm Bessa - Wikipedia
Announced in October, 2006 at photokina, the Bessa R4M and Bessa R4A were the first Leica M-mount cameras to include framelines wider than 28 mm. [citation needed] The R4-series keeps the same features as the R3-series, but utilizes a wide-angle-specific viewfinder with .52x magnification and framelines for 21, 25, 28, 35, and 50 mm lenses.
Voigtlander Bessa Series Comparison (x12 Versions)
The earliest Bessa models are the cheapest, pretty much in order of release. Bessa L cheapest, Bessa R and Bessa T next cheapest. Later models closer to the desirable Leica M6 (which has a light meter) are the most expensive – Bessa R2A/M, Bessa R3A/M, Bessa R4A/M. Voigtlander Bessa repair / CLA – Can you repair a Bessa camera?
Voigtlander Bessa R4a Rangefinder Review - ePHOTOzine
2008年4月28日 · Voigtlander Bessa R4a: Modes and features The Bessa R4a is attractive to look at but ergonomics are a low priority to keep in line with the vintage styling of the body.
福伦达BESSA系列全传之一(机身篇) - xitek.com
该公司计划在今年正式推出世界上首款大光圈KM口的35/1.2广角头,价格和推出时间尚未确定,但已经有实用报告发表。 将在后续的镜头资料中进行详细介绍。 为了方便大家平行比较所以我采用了把卡口相同的2款机排列在一起。 从基本功能我们就可以看出R2是VM口的高级机,T属于普通机。 T和R2的差别在于内置取景器的有无,T不管什么头都必须使用外置式取景器,再就是ISO的连动范围,R2比较广。 就我一个业余爱好者认识来说,此点上R2并没有比T强出多少,但T没有 …
福伦达Bessa R4A规格参数 - xitek.com
Bessa R4A 是一款35mm规格可换镜头旁轴胶片相机,采用电子控制焦平面快门,具备TTL测光系统。 ...(详细内容) 权威的摄影器材评测与点评,全面深入的器材资讯。 汇聚摄影爱好者的宝贵摄影经验、技巧和影像处理方法。 各色各样的数码相机,单反相机,相机镜头资料尽在其中。
Wide perspectives: Bessa R4M with Voigtländer 21/4 and 35/1.4
2021年1月18日 · A rangefinder camera with unique wide-angle abilities, a brand name from the past, a much sought-after body: All this is true for the Voigtländer Bessa R4M. In this review, I share my experience with this first ”not-quite-M-Leica” camera in The M Files series.
フォクトレンダー Voigtlander Bessa R4A [ベッサ R4A マットブ …
2008年3月18日 · 外付けビューファインダーを用いずに21/25mmの超広角レンズのフレームを表示するだけでなく、28/35mm広角レンズ及び50mm標準レンズまで対応するスーパーワイドファインダーです。 設定した絞りに応じた適切なシャッタースピードがファインダー下部に点灯。 被写体が暗い状況でも優れた視認性を発揮します。 シャッターダイヤルに沿って設けられた指標に合わせれば、0.5ステップで±2EVの露出補正が可能。 補正中はファインダー内のシャッ …
User manual Voigtländer Bessa R4A (25 pages)
Equipped with a mechanical camera shutter type, the Bessa R4A offers precise control over exposure times, allowing for creative flexibility. It also provides a light exposure correction of ± 2EV in 1/3EV steps, empowering photographers to fine-tune the exposure according to their preferences and lighting conditions.
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Voigtlander Bessa R4A - Visible in Light
The R4A is nice as it has framelines for wider lenses like the 21mm, so you can see what you’ll capture with that lens as you focus through the viewfinder, instead of having to frame with an external viewfinder.
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