About the ubermodeled Bf-110 G2 - IL-2 Sturmovik Forum
2020年7月21日 · BF-110 height : 4975 kg - 1100 HP x2 (2200hp) sealevel. Yak-1b Height; 2330 kg - 1240 HP sealevel the relation weigh/power is: Bf110 - 4975/2200 hp = 2.26 kg x HP Yak1b- 2330/1240 = 1.87 kg x HP Yak is around 20% best performance. Theorical climbrate: sealevel Yak 1b 17,1 m/s Bf110 10.3 m/s
Bf 110 E-2 cockpit guide and engine operation notes
2015年11月24日 · Engine: DB 601A Max Continuous Power: 1.18 ata Max Combat Power: 1.26 ata, 30-minute limit Max Emergency Power: 1.40 ata, 1-minute limit Supercharger: automatic Fuel mixture: automatic Engines can be individually feathered Oil Radiators: manually controlled with the He-111, Bf-110 oil radiators: ...
Night fighters over the Kuban - Bf-110 G2 campaign
2019年1月4日 · None of the units Bf-110s was equipped with radar, so interceptions had to be done in close cooperation with searchlights batteries. Despite the lack of onboard radar and the small number of available aircraft, the unit scored dozens of night victories.
Bf-110 E2 Skins - 4K Skins and Templates - IL-2 Sturmovik Forum
2015年11月25日 · Bf - 110 is a wonderful aircraft, so my first skin will be " Wolf's Head " Poland 1942. Always remember to book " End of Canes dogs " by Anatoliy Ivakin. Camouflage RLM 74/75/76.
"Fire and Ice" - Bf 110 E-2 Scripted Campaign
2018年6月16日 · There was one exception to this however, the Bf-110's of II./ZG 26 stationed at Dugino. As a wingman you will fly a variety of sorties including close air support, bombing, intercept and escort missions. Timeframe: January 24-28, 1942 Unit: II./ZG 26 Available aircraft: Bf 110 E-2 Duration: 16 missions Average playtime: 8 hours
Bf-110 Autopilot Question - IL-2 Sturmovik Forum
2018年4月9日 · But the actual autopilot on the 88, 111 and 110 are different things altogether in reality, and in-game clicking on the auto-level presses the button or flips the switch and the autopilot lights up. I think I'm reality it has a few other modes, such as a climb-mode which holds a heading but allows vertical movement, and a magnetic bearing that ...
Bf 110 E-2 cockpit guide and engine operation notes
2015年11月24日 · There is actually at least one book stating that E-1 and -2 have DB601A engines, namely Messerschmitt Bf 110/Me 210/Me 410; An Illustrated History by Mankau and Petrick. So maybe devs had same info. Hopefully it gets corrected at some point.
Bf-110 E2 Engine variant in game - IL-2 Sturmovik Forum
2024年6月20日 · This increased horse power and performance of the DB-601 N due to redesigned cylinder heads and manifold pressure, also higher octane /C3 synthetic fuel types being used etc. This performance engine upgrade was required due to increased bomb load that the Bf-110 E2 could carry on belly but also on wings.
Bf-110 G2 campaign - Page 2 - IL-2 Sturmovik Forum
2019年1月4日 · Taxying for me. I like to taxy back to dispersal after landing as well. The thing that I hate is spawning on the runway with engines running and my flight belts off down the runway before I have time to set up my plane properly - mixture, rpm, oil and water rads or cowl flaps, wing flaps, lights if dark etc.
Bf-110 E2 Skins - Page 3 - IL-2 Sturmovik Forum
2015年11月25日 · Bf-110 E Stab II ZG 26 "3U+BC" Russia June 1941 version 2.0 Hi all, Thanks to Panzerbar for his corrections on historic markings and his excellent knowledge here is an updated "version 2.0" of my previous 110 skin hopefully this time much more historically correct than my first attempt.