BFG9000 | Doom Wiki - Fandom
The BFG9000 appears as a bulky steel-grey gun which fires large balls of green plasma (40 cells per blast). For general purposes it can be considered the most powerful weapon in the game. The initials composing the weapon's name stand for " Big Fucking Gun. " It officially stands for " Bio Force Gun " in the 2005 movie.
BFG-9000 - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
在 雷神之锤3竞技场 之中,还出现了一把类似武器叫BFG10K (按中式叫法应该是BFG1W),官方注释这就是BFG9K的增强型。 半自动发射,高爆伤害带溅射效果,基本上就是一把射速高很多的火箭筒(Rocket Launcher),也是公认的游戏中最强武器 [1]。 在毁灭战士新作《毁灭战士:永恒》中,出现了BFG10000,其为UAC和ARC在火卫一上打造的巨型武器平台 其实就是BFG9K的放大器,仅一发便可击穿火星地表并且把火星炸穿了一个洞。 后核心BFG9K被拆下为毁灭战 …
BFG-9000 - 萌娘百科 萬物皆可萌的百科全書
在 雷神之錘3競技場 之中,還出現了一把類似武器叫BFG10K (按中式叫法應該是BFG1W),官方注釋這就是BFG9K的增強型。 半自動發射,高爆傷害帶濺射效果,基本上就是一把射速高很多的火箭筒(Rocket Launcher),也是公認的遊戲中最強武器 [1]。 在毀滅戰士新作《毀滅戰士:永恆》中,出現了BFG10000,其為UAC和ARC在火衛一上打造的巨型武器平台 其實就是BFG9K的放大器,僅一發便可擊穿火星地表並且把火星炸穿了一個洞。 後核心BFG9K被拆下為毀滅戰 …
BFG9000 - The Doom Wiki at DoomWiki.org
The BFG9000 is the ultimate weapon to be found in Doom. It appears as a large, silver metallic gun with a dark gray aperture similar to the plasma gun, and fires large spheres of green plasma.
BFG-9000 (Doom 2016) - The Doom Wiki at DoomWiki.org
"The BFG-9000 is a weapon with massive power that is accessed by pressing [BFG key] - use it to devastate your enemies." The BFG-9000 was developed in the Advanced Research Complex's BFG Division, with a single initial prototype being produced.
【游戏进化史】BFG9000进化史-毁灭战士-DOOM - 哔哩哔哩
转自:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6NlT9PXqwE&t=214sBFG9K是一款科幻兵器,首次出现在《DOOM》(又称“毁灭战士”)中。 特点是一旦开火,所到之处片甲不留。 人挡杀人, …
BFG 9000 (Doom 2016) | Doom Wiki | Fandom
It is a massively powerful plasma energy weapon which utilizes ionized Argent Energy. Similar to the Chainsaw, it cannot be found on the weapon wheel, and is instead accessible through a dedicated button.
GitHub - JustinTimperio/bfg9k: Encrypted Steganography for …
BFG-9k is a easy to use encrypted steganography tool that can be used to embed files into into images and video. The tool currently supports embedding files into PNG and MKV files encoded with the PNG codec. It uses AES encryption to encrypt the file …
BFG-9000 (Doom Eternal) - The Doom Wiki at DoomWiki.org
2024年10月9日 · Its targeting reticule has a counter that keeps track of how many enemies it kills in a single firing. The BFG-9000 expends 30 Argent cells when fired, and the player can carry a maximum of 60 cells. The BFG-9000 is obtained in Mars Core from the BFG-10000 orbital defense weapon system.
BFG9000 (Doom) | Doom Wiki - Fandom
The BFG9000 appears as a large, futuristic, solid metal gun which fires large balls of green plasma. It is the highest damaging weapon in the game. The BFG first appears in a secret area of E3M3: Pandemonium. When picked up, the message "You got the BFG9000! Oh yes." appears.