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Does Anyone Have an Opinion on UK CD label BGO Records?
2012年11月8日 · The original MCA CD has the same dynamic range, but the BGO sounds a tad less bright and fuller in the bass, overall a warmer presentation. The BGO is a bit louder but …
Board Game Online
Secondly, new recruits only count when made from an internet connection from which no BGO account has been made yet. If you share BGO with people who didn't know the game yet, all …
Does Anyone Have an Opinion on UK CD label BGO Records?
2012年11月8日 · AXIS POINT Axis Point - BGO CD 576 2:1 AXIS POINT Boast of the Town - BGO CD 576 2:1 BLODWYN PIG Ahead Rings Out - BGO CD 54 BOND, GRAHAM …
BGO/Beat Goes On Records | Steve Hoffman Music Forums
2004年2月6日 · The only BGO CD I have is Donovan's A Gift from a Flower to a Garden. The only other edition I have to compare it to is the original yellow-label Epic US LP, and the BGO CD …
Does Anyone Have an Opinion on UK CD label BGO Records?
2012年11月10日 · A couple of classic BGO CDs worth mentioning: Leslie West - Mountain - BGO version is far superior to the earlier issues on Columbia and BuyOrDie Byrds - Fifth Dimension …
BGO Records - Steve Hoffman Music Forums
2002年11月20日 · I own the "2011 Digital Remaster" of Stefan Grossman's 1970 album "Ragtime Cowboy Jew" on BGO (BGOCD978) . It is a vinyl-to-disc transfer that sounds as if it was made …
Donovan "Gift from a Flower to a Garden," mono BGO CD
2005年3月18日 · The stereo version also has a clear jewel case (no black border), the inside back cover is white in color and has an advertisement for "Other Donovan releases avilable on BGO …
Does Anyone Have an Opinion on UK CD label BGO Records?
2012年11月8日 · The Robin Trower 2 for 1 of Twice Removed from Yesterday/Bridge of Sighs sounds very good. Excellent detail and definition in the guitar tracks. Warm,analog vinyl …
New Frampton BGO Releases. | Steve Hoffman Music Forums
2021年5月29日 · Love BGO’s Wind of Change and Frampton’s Camel. Once again there will be both albums on one disc making it even better value. For me Peter’s first 4 albums were his …