Products | Amplifiers | GTA | Specifications - BGW
One 22 position detented rotary control precision input attenuator per channel. Attenuation steps of 0, -2 through -30 dB (2 dB steps), -33, -36, -42, -50, -60. Montebello, California 90640.
High output power: 1000 or 850 watts/ch into 2 ohms (GTA or GTB) High-performance, active balanced inputs with switchable subsonic filter Ultra low noise discrete circuitry || Super high …
BGW GTA & GTB Specifications
Measured with 120VAC power input. Due to continuous product improvements, all specifications and features are subject to change without notice.
BGW GTA Grand Touring Amplifier 2-Channel 850 Watts Per
Model Number: GTA 2 Channel Amp (850 Watts Per Channel) Just powered it once for the first time to take test and take pics. Good cosmetic with a few minor (scuffs as seen in pics) during moving as it's very heavy.
BGW顶级功放:GTA - hifi.gxcnc.net
BGW:GTA 两台, 6800元/台,(不要和GTB,750之类相比较),原装没有动过。 成色如. 图! channel. Attenuation steps of 0, -2 through -30 dB (2 dB steps), -33, -36, - 已定下一台,期待早点到货。 问他是如何解决插头问题的。 谢谢咯. 还有最后一台,抓紧时间啦! 缺银子低价出 ! DING ! DING! 顶! DING !! 顶 ! DING ! 联系我们: 音响发烧站.
BGW GTA Grand Touring Amplifier 2-Channel Power Amp …
BRAND: BGW. MODEL: GTA. FUNCTION: Power Amplifier. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: This listing is for a BGW GTA Grand Touring Amplifier. SPECS: Serial #89A0192; ACCESSORIES INCLUDED: This item comes as seen in photos, includes a special double AC power cable and does not include any other accessories. EXTRAS INCLUDED:
HIFIDIY论坛-BGW监听功放 - Powered by Discuz!
2005年3月10日 · 来自充美国本土的监听品牌,旗下产品便是兼具技术与艺术最佳的典范,因为BGW对于专业监听领域的的设计与制造,不仅止于数据所提供的参考价值,更是对声音认知有着独到的品味,即使连产品外观也是精雕细琢,是高超技术与品味梦想的完美结合,深入了解它之后,BGW将会成为各位一生渴望追寻的目标。 个人的听感如下:其音色细腻甜润,表现力更强。 音乐味道好,声音流畅细声场定位都是很优秀。 音质温润饱满,高音细腻悦耳,中音真实通 …
GTA - BGW GTA - Audiofanzine
Manufacturer: BGW; Model: GTA; Category: Dual-Channel Power Amps; Added in our database on: 02/01/2006
- 评论数: 2
美国BGW GTA_≡ 家电交易区 ≡_影音产品交易区_家电论坛
2022年8月3日 · 美国 BGW GTA ,必敬敌 旗舰后级。 全频段控制力极好,推力极佳。 单声道完全独立 x 2。 输出功率 8 欧 450Wx2。 4 欧 850Wx2 电源 220V 也是独立供电每个声道, 2 声道 4 个 100V10000UF 大电容,电源开关也是独立左右 独立 的。 2 个独立的音量调节,带平衡板输入。 每声道 16 个 4 脚大管。 2 声道 32 个大管。 可以作合并机或后级。 成色如图片,风扇声音可以忽略。 牛不叫。 二手设备,售前充分沟通,售出不退不换。 220V 供电。 设备 净重 35.4 公 …
Products | Amplifiers | Grand Touring Series | Product Info - BGW
The BGW Model GTA is the most powerful amplifier: With its dual monaural design, each channel is capable of delivering a full kilowatt of continuous power into 2-ohm loads. To properly deliver so much continuous power, the GTA is supplied with a four-conductor, 10-gauge molded power cord rated at 30 amps.