Bi2O3/Bi quasi-nanospheres in-situ embedded in N-doped …
2025年1月5日 · Herein, we propose a facile way to fabricate a distinct composite composed of Bi 2 O 3 quasi-nanospheres embedded in an N-doped porous carbon and reinforced via Bi-O-C bonding. As illustrated in Schematic 1, thus way contains simple dissolve mixing, freeze drying and carbonization steps.
Unveiling phase-selective α- and β-Bi2O3-derived electrocatalysts …
2023年12月21日 · Moreover, the high-angle annular dark-field STEM (HAADF-STEM) image and the corresponding energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) elemental mappings confirm the successful preparation of β -Bi 2 O 3 (Figure 2 G). Compared to β -Bi 2 O 3, the nanoflower structure completely disappears over α -Bi 2 O 3 as the temperature increases to 550°C.
【复材资讯】陈翔&曾海波,Nature Materials! - 澎湃新闻
2025年3月11日 · 通过高角环形暗场扫描透射电子显微镜(HAADF-STEM)对亚纳米厚度的β-Bi2O3晶体进行表征,分析了其原子结构堆叠方式。 结果表明,单胞厚度的原子结构可以通过两个半单胞厚度的原子结构旋转90°后堆叠而成,其间通过Bi-O共价键连接,呈现出ABA堆叠的周期性 …
Surface‐Assisted Passivation Growth of 2D Ultrathin β‐Bi2O3 …
2024年12月2日 · Here, the surface-assisted passivation growth strategy is designed to synthesize ultrathin and large size β -Bi 2 O 3 crystals with the thickness down to 0.77 nm and the lateral size up to 163 µm.
南方科技大学陈洪/段乐乐 Nano Letters:Bi2O3/BiO2纳米异质结 …
本文基于除铝缺陷结构工程策略,开发了一种由块体材料出发,通过熔融碱辅助,一步法构筑新型Bi基异质结电催化剂 Bi2O3/BiO2的路径。 采用AI−O和Bi−O层交错堆叠而成的层状块体材料Bi2Al4O9为前驱体,在熔融碱作用下,AI−O被羟基进攻溶出,稳定的Bi−O框架得以重组形成Bi2O3/BiO2异质结。
Micro-nanostructured δ-Bi2O3 with surface oxygen vacancies as superior ...
2018年10月15日 · Here we report that micro sphere-like δ-Bi 2 O 3 (MS-δ-Bi 2 O 3) with surface oxygen vacancy defects can capture hypertoxic SeO x2− anions from aqueous solutions with …
Revealing the Intrinsic Restructuring of Bi2O3 Nanoparticles into …
2024年2月26日 · The doping of V can tune the intrinsic crystal and electronic structure of Bi2O3, i.e., causing partial amorphization in the Bi2O3 nanosheet and decreasing electron d. around Bi active sites. The partial amorphous region can provide more reactive sites; meanwhile, the electron-deficient environment around Bi enhances the adsorption of CO2.
《Nature Materials》报道南京理工大学曾海波、陈翔教授团队最新 …
2025年3月8日 · 通过HAADF-STEM表征,团队捕捉到从BiOCl向β-Bi2O3转变的关键证据——相界处的4|5|6 Bi原子闭环结构。 层状BiOCl作为液相中间产物,限制了垂直生长,并在二维非层状β-Bi2O3的形成中发挥了关键作用。
Phase- and Crystal Structure-Controlled Synthesis of Bi2O3, …
2022年10月7日 · Herein, we demonstrate a facile sol–gel method to synthesize Bi 2 O 3, Fe 2 O 3, BiFeO 3, Bi 36 Fe 2 O 57, secondary phase, and mixed phase of BiFeO 3 (Bi 25 FeO 40 and Bi 2 Fe 4 O 9) by tailoring the parameters such as molar …
Enhancement of the chemical stability in confined δ-Bi2O3 - Nature
2015年4月13日 · Here we demonstrate the possibility of stabilizing δ-Bi 2 O 3 using highly coherent interfaces of alternating layers of Er 2 O 3 -stabilized δ-Bi 2 O 3 and Gd 2 O 3 -doped CeO 2.