Greater bilby - Wikipedia
The greater bilby (Macrotis lagotis), or simply the bilby, is a long-eared, rabbit-like mammal native to Australia. It lives in burrows and is active at night, feeding on insects, fruit, or fungi. The bilby is a marsupial and carries its young in a pouch. Threats include habitat loss, disease, and introduced predators such as foxes.
Bilby | Animal, Facts, Description, & Habitat | Britannica
bilby, (Macrotis lagotis), small, burrowing, nocturnal, long-eared marsupial belonging to the family Thylacomyidae (order Peramelemorphia) and native to Australia. Prior to the arrival of Europeans, bilbies occupied habitats across more than 70 percent of Australia.
Macrotis - Wikipedia
Bilbies have the characteristic long bandicoot muzzle and very big ears that radiate heat. They are about 29–55 cm (11–22 in) long. Compared to bandicoots, they have a longer tail, bigger ears, and softer, silky fur.
13 Adorable Bilby Facts - Fact Animal
Often described as Australia’s Easter Bunny, the bilby is a medium-sized burrowing marsupial with a long nose and a resplendent set of ears. It’s a highly adaptable species that is able to survive in some of Australia’s harshest environments.
Greater Bilby - The Australian Museum
An endangered burrowing marsupial, the Bilby, Macrotis lagotis, is characterized by its long, silky blue-grey fur. Sometimes called the Rabbit-eared Bandicoot, it possesses long ears pinkish in colour.
8 Facts About the Australian Bilby - Treehugger
2021年1月20日 · Bilbies are important animals in Australia. With ears like rabbits, legs like kangaroos, and a snout like bandicoots, they appear to be a combination of other animals. However, there is much that...
Fact File: Greater bilby (Macrotis lagotis) - Australian Geographic
Australia’s answer to the Easter Bunny, the greater bilby (Macrotis lagotis) may have long ears and whiskers, but unlike the introduced rabbit which has infiltrated Australia’s natural environment, this ground dwelling marsupial is under threat of extinction.
Bilby - WWF Australia
One of Australia's best-known marsupials, the greater bilby, has been immortalised as our very own bearer of Easter goodies. But bilbies are revered for a variety of other ecological and cultural reasons, too.
Meet the bilby, Australia's own 'Easter bunny' - National Geographic
2019年4月18日 · Australia ’s own “Easter bunny,” a burrowing marsupial with rabbit-like ears, is even more crucial to the ecosystem than we thought. The greater bilby (Macrotis lagotis), also known as the...
Bilby Animal Facts - Macrotis lagotis - A-Z Animals
2024年5月27日 · What is a bilby? A bilby is a small, omnivorous marsupial that’s found in Australia. It looks like a mashup of a rabbit, a honey possum, and a rat. How many bilbies are left? There are probably less than 10,000 bilbies left in the wild. Are bilbies extinct? The Greater Bilby is not extinct, even though it is endangered.