Snap Trap | Live Bird Traps | Bird B Gone
Quickly and humanely capturing unwanted birds. The powder-coated rust-resistant finish allows this trap to be mounted in various areas such as on buildings, walls, and even trees. Simple to use with proven results. When bait tray is triggered, a spring loaded nylon net closes over the birds to trap them quickly and safely.
Bird Snap Trap 24x24 - Nixalite
24" x 24" x 2" Snap Traps for birds. Designed for the live capture of unwanted pest birds. Green powder coated frame and wire mesh floor with weather resistant nylon netting to hold birds securely.
Bird Traps - Humane Live Capture Bird Traps - Nixalite
From small traps to capture a few birds at a time or traps that catch many or dozens of birds we can supply you with the trapping solutions you need. We have snap traps, walkin traps, specialty traps as well as food, water & shade options. Some of …
Traps :: Specialty Traps :: Bird Traps :: Bird Snap Traps - Live Trap
Bird Snap Traps. Sort by Position: Low to High. Sort Alphabetically: A to Z; Sort by Price: Low to High; Sort by Price: High to Low; 128 Per Page. 16 Per Page; 32 Per Page; 64 Per Page; SNAP17 - 17" Snap Trap for Birds $ 109.75. SNAP24 - 24" Snap Trap for Birds $ 129.75. SNAP36 - 36" Snap Trap for Birds $ 149.75. Extras. About Us;
Traps :: Specialty Traps :: Bird Traps :: Bird Snap Traps - Live Trap
SNAP17 is our small bird trap designed like a suitcase. This trap is simple to use with proven results. When deployed the trap lays flat like an open suitcase. When birds disturb the food tray the trap is triggered causing the spring loaded nylon net …
SNAP TRAP LARGE - Animal Traps & Supplies
Designed to capture grackles, crows, ducks, and similar sized birds. 36" x 36" x 2.5" SNAP36 is our large bird trap designed like a suitcase. This trap is simple to use with proven results. When deployed the trap lays flat like an open suitcase.
Bird Traps | Animal Traps & Supplies
Hold up to 40 birds at one time!
Snap Trap For Birds - Mastermark Shop
The Snap Trap for Birds is a bird trap designed like a suitcase. This trap is simple to use with proven results. When deployed the trap lays flat like an open suitcase. When birds disturb the food tray the trap is triggered causing the spring loaded nylon net to swing completely around and close over the birds to trap them quickly and safely.
Live Bird Traps | Pigeon Traps - Bird B Gone
Bird B Gone’s live bird traps provide a humane alternative to poisons, pellet guns or other lethal means of bird control. The traps can be used indoors or out to control most species of birds. Returning and releasing a bird to its natural habitat without injuring it provides a certain level of satisfaction. If you have neither the time nor ...
Bird Snap Trap 17x17 - Nixalite
17" x 17" x 2" Snap Trap for birds. Designed for the live capture of unwanted pest birds. Green powder coated frame and wire mesh floor with weather resistant nylon netting to hold birds securely.