BKPF - Performance issue - SAP Community
We have 3.5 million records in BKPF. we an have application which search the documents based on document type, doc status, doc date and posting date. The below select statement taking 2mins to get the data. - Package size is used to avoid shortdumps/memory issues as it …
bkpf-rldnr - SAP Community
bkpf-rldnr. 1450 Views. Follow RSS Feed I have posted the document in leading ledger 0L.When i go to BKPF ...
what is the diff bet BSID , BKPF & BSEG tables | SAP Community
Hi, can any one give me the clear pic on this BSID , BKPF & BSEG tables with flow.. please replay ASAP. Regards, Rag
Retrive document types from BKPF / BSEG - SAP Community
I need to extract records with the following document types from BKPF - RE (Invoice Gross with PO) - RA (Sub.cred.memo stlmt with PO) - KR (Vendor Invoice without PO) - KG (Vendor credit memo without PO) - ER (E-Payment) - TE (Travel & expense) - KD (Down payment) and then for these records the BSEG entries with these posting keys
User name in BKPF table should be approver's name ... - SAP …
In BKPF table I can see the user name as WF-BATCH but how can I populate the approver's name intead of WF-BATCH. I have read many threads, they say find the approver's name and update BKPF table through a task, but is there any alternative or this is the only way..?.
Impact of changing the Ref.Tran. (BKPF-AWTYP) in FI doc (via …
We are thinking about changing the AWTYP field of documents posted via an IDOC interface ( FIDCC1 ) and we wonder what the impact of this is. Currently we use BKPF-AWTYP = 'BKPFF' and for certain reason (update of PSWBT ,PSWSL similar as to sending system ) we need to change it to 'FKKSU'.
bkpf performance - SAP Community
Hi all, please check the below select statement i have been using and i am unable to get the data even after 30 minutes. please suggest any changes to increase the performance.
Adding fields Substitution and its impacts | SAP Community
2015年4月8日 · I have removed the tick mark from Excluded box for (BKPF-XBLNR, BKPF-BKTXT) from Cross client table VWTYGB01 through SM30. Why because these fields are not available in Substitution Pop up Box, Now I want to know whether theses changes will create any kind of inconsistencies, I have checked some SAP OSS notes .
Field BKPF-AEDAT (Date of the Last Document Change by …
2015年10月29日 · find that the field BKPF-AEDAT (Date of the Last Document Change by Transaction) is not updated by the payment run (F110) though we are able to see the clearing document and date for the given invoice in BSEG table. Please advise as to how we can update BKPF table with clearing date since we are using
Document Header Text (BKPF-BKTXT) not displayed in FBL3N Output
Hi FI experts. We are upgrading from R3 4.7 to ECC 6.0. The output of FBL3N is not displaying Document Header Text (BKPF-BKTXT) although it is a part of table T021S.