Better Living Industries | Danger Days Wiki | Fandom
Better Living Industries, also known as BL/ind and BLi, is the megacorporation in Battery City. BL/ind has been the de facto political and commercial force in the city since 2012 after the "Great Fires". Better Living Industries has a stranglehold on the battery industry, pharmaceuticals, manufacturing, and agriculture.
My Chemical Romance launch Better Living Industries Website
2010年11月18日 · Better Living Industries (Also known as BLI, BL/ind, or BL industries) is the corporation that controls Battery City. The corporation strives to bring about structure in a post-apocalyptic world. It is known for producing emotion-eliminating medications as well as every other manufactured product one can acquire in 2019.
Danger Days Wiki - Fandom
In 2019, California has been taken over by a massive corporation known as Better Living. While citizens of Battery City are subjected to abuse and mind control, the Killjoys fight for freedom in a post-apocalyptic desert. The future lies in the hands of a mysterious unnamed girl, protected by four colorful rebels known as the Fabulous Four.
生物膜干涉技术 (Bio-Layer Interferometry, BLI) 是一种高灵敏度的光学传感技术,用于实时监测分子间的相互作用,广泛应用于生物医学和生物技术研究中。
Fortebio Octet BLI 蛋白生物素标记应用指南 - 百度文库
生物素化试剂所需体积根据样品反应的 mcr 以及样品体积进行计算:参见 案例①与案例②。 案例①:1 mL 浓度为 1mg/mL 的 IgG(150 kDa)采用 MCR 为 1:1 比例所需生
Octet® BLI Immunogenicity assays enable the detection of ADA as a part of an immune response to a protein or antibody therapeutic. This technical note describes protocols, biosensors and basic reagents required to run two different assay configurations: an enzyme-linked bridging assay and a direct binding assay.
【My Chemical Romance】Danger Days系列MV官方补充视频_哔 …
YouTube 前五个是为了构造BLI的视频,其实就是为了让你知道BLI有多么扯蛋和乌托邦;6,7,8是BLI的监控片段;9是Dr.Death Defying给MCR粉丝团【军团】的信息; 这一串视频是MCR官方频道上的,作为Danger Days MV系列的补充视频;这个AU太赞了2019killjoys一起疯吧!
Frequently asked 'Danger Days...' Questions Answered!
2011年3月18日 · The Danger Days: California 2019 Edition box set is packaged in a BLI box and the 3-song The Mad Gear & Missile Kid E.P. that comes with it is printed on a disc made to look like a BLI brand CD-R. Check out some BL/ind commercials and "Fact News" reports .
Killjoy/Danger Days Dictionary (with definitions) – @mcr-fan ... - Tumblr
BLI or BL/ind n. Shortened forms of Better Living Industries, Battery City’s ruling corporation; “firmly believe in the sanctity of monochromaticism”. They’re what the Killjoys are rebelling against.
BLI 检测服务 | MCE - MCE-生物活性分子大师
生物膜干涉技术 (Bio-Layer Interferometry, BLI) 是一种实时监测生物分子相互作用的非标记技术。 BLI 可对相互作用进行实时测定, 能够获取结合特异性、结合和解离速率等重要信息,现已广泛应用于药物研发与筛选、免疫学、基因调控、信号通路、遗传学、微生物组学、病毒学、纳米颗粒、脂质体、中药提取物及天然产物分析等生命科学研究领域。 BLI 利用光纤生物传感器来实时检测分子结合与解离时传感器光学层厚度的变化。 仪器通过发射白光到传感器表面并收集反射光, …
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