The Blip - Wikipedia
The Blip (also known as the Decimation and the Snap) is a fictional major event and period of time depicted in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). The Blip began in 2018 when Thanos, wielding all six Infinity Stones in the Infinity Gauntlet, exterminated half of all living things in the universe, chosen at random, with the snap of his fingers.
Blip | Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki | Fandom
The Blip was the resurrection of all the victims of Thanos' Snap. It occurred after the Time Heist, in which the Avengers had taken Infinity Stones from different timelines to assemble the Nano Gauntlet, which Bruce Banner used to restore half of the universe's population. The Blip had sustained aftereffects across the entire universe.
彈指事件 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
彈指事件 (英語: The Blip 或 The Snap),或稱 大毀滅 (Decimation) [1][2],是 虛構宇宙 漫威電影宇宙 中發生的一系列重大事件。 2018年, 薩諾斯 戴上鑲嵌六顆 無限寶石 的 無限手套 (英语:The Infinity Gauntlet) 打 響指 (英语:Finger snapping),使全宇宙為數一半的生命同時灰飛煙滅。 五年後的2023年,倖存的 復仇者 通過 時間旅行 再次集齊六顆寶石, 布魯斯·班納 打響指將被消滅的生命復活 [3]。 「彈指事件」包括全宇宙為數一半的生命被消失以及復活的整個 …
MCU: 10 Questions Fans Still Have About The Blip, Answered - Screen Rant
2021年3月22日 · One of the questions that remain is what the blip felt like for those who succumbed to it. From Monica Rambeau's reaction when she woke up in the hospital room in WandaVision, it is clear that the people who blipped didn't feel …
Snap | Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki | Fandom
The Snap, also known as the Blip, was the event in which Thanos snapped his fingers while using the Infinity Gauntlet, resulting in the extermination of half of all life in the universe.
The MCU Repeatedly Missed The Opportunity To Explore Its …
2023年8月30日 · The Blip, a five-year period following Avengers: Endgame, has not been explored in depth by Marvel Studios, despite its potential as rich material for storytelling. It may be too late for Marvel Studios to backtrack and release retroactive projects focused on the Blip, as it has already been four years since its introduction.
Here's Everything Marvel Fans Need To Know About The Blip
2019年7月2日 · Referred to as "The Blip," some people aged five years, while others have basically been suspended in time like no time passed at all. But what is "The Blip" exactly, and how are people...
What Avengers disappeared in the Blip? - TimesMojo
2022年7月7日 · Wanda, who had been disintegrated by the Thanos snap in Avengers: Infinity War and restored leading into Endgame’s climactic battle, had also lost someone in a seemingly permanent way: Vision, whose lifeless robot body had thunked to the ground at the climax of Avengers: Infinity War when Thanos plucked out the Mind …
The MCU Is In An Awkward Spot With The Blip - Screen Rant
2023年3月19日 · Avengers: Endgame picked up five years later, and showed some of the effects of Thanos' snap in its opening scenes, leading the remaining Avengers on their Time Heist mission to bring back their lost loved ones. Dubbed the Blip in Spider-Man: Far From Home, Marvel Studios has curiously avoided directly exploring the five-year gap in the timeline.
How Does The Spider Man Far From Home Blip Work, Happen - Refinery29
2019年7月9日 · In case all the rules of the big blip from "Spider-Man Far From Home" escaped you, here's literally everything we know about it.