Thermobaric weapon - Wikipedia
US Navy BLU-118B being prepared for shipping to Afghanistan, 5 March 2002 FAEs such as first-generation CBU-55 fuel–air weapons saw extensive use in the Vietnam War. [32]
BLU-118/B Thermobaric Weapon - GlobalSecurity.org
Aug 25, 2001 · The BLU-118/B is a penetrating warhead filled with an advanced thermobaric explosive that, when detonated, generates higher sustained blast pressures in confined spaces such as tunnels and...
F-15E Pilot explains why first BLU-118/B Thermobaric Bomb …
Jul 11, 2019 · As told by Steve Davies in his book F-15E Strike Eagle Units in Combat 1990-2005, the BLU-118/B is a penetrating warhead filled with an advanced thermobaric explosive that generates sustained blast pressures in confined spaces such …
绝密武器揭秘:BLU-118B温压弹的威力与战场震撼 - 百家号
Jul 22, 2023 · 2002年3月3日,美军正式装备BLU-118B温压弹,投入“持久自由”作战,用于打击塔利班和基地组织的武装份子。 这种神秘武器展现出了惊人的战术成效,成为战场上的震撼利器。
BLU-118 Aircraft Bomb - CAT-UXO
The BLU-118 is a penetrating warhead filled with an advanced Thermobaric (FAE) explosive that, when detonated, generates higher sustained HE-Blast pressures in confined spaces such as tunnels and underground facilities. The BLU-118 warhead uses a Fuze-Munition-Unit (FMU) 143J/B to initiate the explosive.
Apr 13, 2002 · BLU-118B温压弹使用与洛克希德·马丁公司生产的BLU-109炸弹相同的钻地战斗部,不同的是用在有限空间内杀伤力更强的温压炸药替代了高能炸药。
BLU-118B温压弹的使用方式 - 百度知道
Jun 5, 2016 · BLU-118B即可以垂直投放在洞穴和地道的入口处而后引爆,也可以在垂直投放后刺穿防护物在洞穴和地道内部爆炸。 BLU-118B长2.5米、直径为0.37米,内部填充爆炸物重250千克,其战斗部使用FMU-143J/B引信来起爆。
BLU-118B温压弹的基本简介 - 百度知道
Jun 5, 2016 · BLU-118B温压弹的基本简介在2002年2月,BLU-118B列为2002财年15项先期概念技术演示 (ACTD)计划中的一项。 2002年3月3日,一枚重910千克的温压弹首次在阿富汗战场投入使用,用于打击加德兹地区在山洞躲藏的塔利班和基地
blu-118b温压弹 - 搜狗百科
Dec 20, 2024 · BLU-118B即可以垂直投放在洞穴和地道的入口处而后引爆,也可以在垂直投放后刺穿防护物在洞穴和地道内部爆炸。 BLU-118B长2.5米、直径为0.37米,内部填充爆炸物重250千克,其战斗部使用FMU-143J/B引信来起爆。
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