GBU-28 - Wikipedia
The GBU-28 C/B version uses the 5,000-pound BLU-122 bomb body, which contains AFX-757 explosive in a 4,000-pound (1,800 kg) casing machined from a single piece of ES-1 Eglin steel alloy. [10] [11] The operator illuminates a target with a laser designator and the munition guides itself to the spot of laser light reflected from the target.
BLU-122/B, A/B Penetrator Warhead - GlobalSecurity.org
The BLU-122 warhead is a 5000 lb class weapon designed to defeat hard and deeply buried targets. It significantly improves upon the performance of the BLU-113 warhead by incorporating the...
Bunker buster - Wikipedia
US-made bunker buster BLU-122 on a weapons test. A bunker buster is a type of munition that is designed to penetrate hardened targets or targets buried deep underground, such as military bunkers.
The Air Force's New 5,000-Pound Bunker Buster Bomb Breaks Cover
2021年10月12日 · The GBU-72/B offers an improved all-weather bunker-busting capability in between the Air Force's 2,000-pound and 30,000-pound class types. The U.S. Air Force has successfully completed a series of tests of a new 5,000 …
浅析美国5000磅级钻地弹发展情况 - 电子工程专辑 EE ...
2022年2月12日 · BLU-122/B钻地弹头是在BLU-113“预先计划产品改进” (Pre-Planned Product Improvement,P3I)计划下开发的,由美国通用动力军械和战术系统公司生产,采用Eglin Steel (ES-1)合金,进行了设计改进以提高弹药性能。 作战应用. GBU-28钻地弹首次实战应用于海湾战争,1991年2月27日,美国空军使用两架F-111F战斗机向位于巴格达西北部的伊拉克塔吉空军基地下方的指挥掩体投掷GBU-28,每架战斗机装载1枚钻地弹。 第一枚GBU-28由于标识了错误目标 …
中航发布新型钻地炸弹 搭配歼20可对敌进行斩首攻击|中国|钻地弹
2018年4月12日 · BLU-122采用全新钢材与弹尖形状,使弹壳从58毫米打薄为45毫米,但穿透力反而提高20%。 另外由于装药空间增加,其爆炸力增加70%,可摧毁的目标增加54%。 BLU-122的全重比BLU-113略轻,但装药却比较多. 美国也对1000千克级的钻地弹进行更新:海湾战争后,空军启动了 “坚硬或深埋目标的攻击计划”研究多项钻地技术: 1996年,空军最后还是认为现有的单一动能弹效果最好,下单给洛·马开发BLU-116钻地弹。 这种钻地弹改用镍钴合金做弹壳(一说 …
美国5000磅级钻地弹发展情况-军工资源网——军工网 军民两用服 …
BLU-113钻地弹头. BLU-122/B钻地弹头是在BLU-113“预先计划产品改进”(Pre-Planned Product Improvement,P3I)计划下开发的,由美国通用动力军械和战术系统公司生产,采用Eglin Steel(ES-1)合金,进行了设计改进以提高弹药性能。 BLU-122/B钻地弹头. 作战应用
BLU-122 - Guide to Military Equipment and Civil Aviation
The 5,000 pounds class BLU-122 penetrator warhead emerged from Pre-Planned Product Improvement (P3I) of the proven BLU-113 warhead which typically was used on the GBU-28 laser-guided bunker buster bomb. BLU-122 was developed to provide the US Air Force with the capability to hold more targets at risk than its predecessor.
GBU-28 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
改良型GBU-28B/C則彈頭則更換為 BLU-122,以 埃格林鋼 (英语:Eglin_steel) 特製加工,重量維持5,000磅,填充爆裂物更換為PBX炸藥AFX-757。 增強型的GBU-28增加了GPS制導系統輔助導引。 [4] 美國空軍在波灣戰後開始採購GBU-28,並在後續衝突中有少量的使用紀錄。 第一個海外客戶是 以色列,2005年美國許可採購100枚,至2009年至少採購了55枚。 另一個海外客戶為 大韓民國空軍,契機是 2009年北韓核子試爆,由於對北韓的掩蔽設施摧毀壓力上升,2009年6 …
美军现役BLU-122型钻地炸弹 - 百度文库
美军现役blu-122型钻地炸弹 美军现役 GBU-28 型钻地炸弹。 所谓精确制导炸弹只不过比普通炸弹多了一种特殊装置, 即自动导向目标的寻的装置,其余部分基本和普通炸弹相同。
More Bang for the Buck: A New Design and Manufacturing …
New designs of the monolithic cases for deep penetrating bombs BLU-122, BLU-109 and its improvement, the BLU-137, have been developed to increase their penetration distances. The new designs are based on the concept that the material and nose of a penetrator play crucial roles in the strength and durability of their cases.
New Steel for Penetrators - contest.techbriefs.com
The 4450 lb weight BLU-122 deep penetrating bomb was developed by the U.S. Air Force in 2003 making improvements upon the BLU-113 penetrator which would enable it to have significant penetration through hard targets.
美国常规钻地武器(2).doc - 豆丁网
2012年10月24日 · BLU-122 战斗部项目始于 2003 年美国空军的 BLU-113 改进规划项目(Preplanned Product Improvement,P3I),主要改进包括三个方面:⑴ 战斗部装药为 350kg 钝感高能炸药,提高了战斗部的毁伤能力;⑵ 战斗部壳体采用高强度材料,降低了引信的承受载荷;⑶ 改进了战斗部的 ...
A New Design for a Better Bunker Buster - DSIAC
2019年11月2日 · This article briefly highlights a cost-effective new case design for the BLU-122 that incorporates a new high-strength steel (or M-steel) and demonstrates a >50% projected increase in penetrability in 5,000-psi-strength reinforced concrete compared to the standard case, which uses the well-known Eglin steel (or ES-1) [1].
The USAF as the design activity for the BLU-109 and the BLU-122 examined technologies that would allow venting of these warheads during the IM test series. Since the explosive used in the AGM-158 Joint Air-to-Surface Stand-Off Missile (JASSM) and other penetrator weapons, AFX-7572, is an extremely insensitive detonating substance (EIDS) this became
GBU-28C/B Deep Throat LGB/GPS [BLU-122/B] (USAF, 2007)
NOTES: The GBU-28C/B incorporates an improved guidance that uses both GPS-aided navigation and laser guidance. The 5,000-pound class BLU-122 warhead provides improved lethality and penetration over the earlier BLU-113 warhead. SOURCES: Raytheon Paveway III. …
Hardening RAAF Air Base Infrastructure - Air Power Australia
2008年2月5日 · The BLU-122/B (above) replaces the BLU-113/B.Sled test of the BLU-122/B (below). The replacement for the legacy BLU-109/B is the new 1,922.8 lb BLU-116/B Advanced Unitary Penetrator (AUP), designed to double the penetration capability of the BLU-109/B.
BLU-122 – Wikipedia
Bei der BLU-122 (auch BLU-122/B, mit Lenksatz: GBU-28C/B) handelt es sich um einen bunkerbrechenden Bombe mit einem Gewicht von etwa 2 Tonnen. Bei der BLU-122 handelt es sich um eine umfassende Weiterentwicklung des erprobten BLU-113 -Bombenkörpers.
中航发布暴力钻地弹, 为何说它与歼-20是绝配? - 搜狐
2018年4月13日 · BLU-122采用全新钢材与弹尖形状,使弹壳从58毫米打薄为45毫米,但穿透力反而提高20%。 另外由于装药空间增加,其爆炸力增加70%,可摧毁的目标增加54%。 BLU-122的全重比BLU-113略轻,但装药却比较多. 美国也对1000千克级的钻地弹进行更新:海湾战争后,空军启动了 “坚硬或深埋目标的攻击计划”研究多项钻地技术: 初始火箭加速的钻地弹. 末端火箭加速的钻地弹. 多枚末端制导的子弹头. 缩小到113千克的小型钻地弹. 前端安装成形装药弹头的复 …
Overview — BLU-121/B thermobaric bomb - Military Periscope
The BLU-121/B is a 2,000-lb (910-kg) thermobaric penetrator warhead developed under the Hard Target Defeat program for the U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency. It is a successor to the BLU-118/B thermobaric warhead that entered Air Force service in 2001.
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