Blu Tack - Wikipedia
Blu Tack is a reusable putty-like pressure-sensitive adhesive produced by Bostik, commonly used to attach lightweight objects (such as posters or sheets of paper) to walls, doors or other dry surfaces. Traditionally blue, it is also available in other colours.
Blu-Tack Reusable Adhesive 75g
2009年2月4日 · Blue tack reusable adhesive Bostic Blue tack is a handy putty-like reusable adhesive. Use it to stick, Seal, conceal, hold, and position a variety of items. Perfect for sticky jobs around the home, office, at school and for hobby and craft work. Bostic Blue tack is a great Modeling material. Use it to mold, sculpt, and stick.
- 评论数: 7427
蓝丁胶 - 百度百科
产于澳大利亚的“蓝丁”(Blu.Tack),出身“ 道达尔 ”集团,经国际认证,无毒无害, 绿色环保. 蓝丁固态 软胶 广泛用于家居/办公室/学校,省时省力,方便,美观,实用.免除铁钉/图钉/胶带之弊,揭取方便,不留痕迹,不伤粘载体.能反复使用千次,数年有效 ...
Bostik Blu Tack, Multipurpose Reusable Adhesive, Clean, Safe
2006年10月2日 · Bostik Blu Tack is the iconic reusable adhesive that can be found in homes, offices and schools throughout the UK and beyond. With its multitude of uses, or #BluHacks, that make life that little bit easier, it's no wonder this multipurpose adhesive has become a …
Blu Tack® is the original reusable adhesive that provides an ideal alternative to drawing pins and sticky tape, with thousands of uses around the home, office and school environment. It is a permanently plastic, reusable multi-purpose adhesive and modelling material that is pliable and non-toxic, making it safe for all the family to mold ...
6-Pack Blu-Tack Reusable Adhesive (75g/pc) - amazon.com
2023年4月1日 · Blu Tack original adhesive putty, Value Pack, total 6 individual packs offered ; Each pack has 4 strips 75g in all, you get 75*6=450 grams total ; Great for hanging posters, sticking notes, sealing around windows and doors, cleaning dust and hair from clothing, keeping pictures straight and modeling
- 评论数: 5
寶貼 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
寶貼(Blu Tack)是可重複使用的油灰狀的壓敏粘合劑,常用於輕量對象(如海報或紙張)附加到牆壁或其他乾燥的表面。一般為藍白色,也有其他顏色,為一種人工合成的橡膠化合物。
生活必备小能手,创意粘贴蓝丁胶 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
小小的蓝丁胶blu-tack®携带方便、使用简单,还兼具固定、粘贴、清洁等功能。 一、无痕固定,简易轻便 蓝丁胶BLU-TACK®质地柔软,可塑性强,无需工具,拿在手里搓一搓,揉一揉,一个简易的手机支架就完成啦。
Bostik为其蓝丁 ® 胶问世53周年庆生:可复用、赢众爱!
2023年6月16日 · 蓝丁®胶(Blu-Tack®)可重复使用粘合剂是由一家英国实验室在开发新型密封剂时所研发;自1970年推出以来,蓝丁®胶已成为Bostik文具和工艺系列产品中的支柱,全球销量超过2.5亿包。
Blu Tack | Lu-Tbl Bostik in Australia | Bostik Australia
Blu Tack to the rescue! Win at life with these ideas: Secure cords and desk accessories on surfaces; Keep doors open with a stopper tack; MYO Stress Ball; Erase grey lead pencil with a small ball of Blu Tack