2024年9月19日 · BlueJ. A free Java Development Environment designed for beginners, used by millions worldwide. Find out more... "One of my favourite IDEs out there is BlueJ" — James Gosling, creator of Java.
BlueJ Version History
2025年3月12日 · Projects checked out or shared using BlueJ version 3.1.6 used the version 1.7 working copy format and will not work properly (in any version of BlueJ) due to SVNKit bugs; BlueJ version 3.1.7 will issue a warning when opening such a project. Note: This is the last version of BlueJ supporting Java 7.
BlueJ - Installation instructions
These are the instructions for the generic BlueJ installer (the installer "for other operating systems"). This installer can be used on most Unix-like operating systems as well as Mac OS X and Windows.
About BlueJ
BlueJ is a development environment that allows you to develop Java programs quickly and easily. Its main features are that it is: Simple BlueJ has a deliberately smaller and simpler interface than professional environments like NetBeans or Eclipse.
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The BlueJ Tutorial
One of the fundamental characteristics of BlueJ is that you cannot only execute a complete application, but you can also directly interact with single objects of any class and execute their public methods.
BlueJ - Installation instructions
BlueJ 4.2.0 and later requires a 64-bit version of Debian, and depends on packages currently only available in buster (which will become Debian 10 once it is considered stable). The easiest way to install BlueJ is to use GDebi to open the .deb file, which will install the dependencies automatically. Otherwise, follow these instructions:
BlueJ documentation
Video Tutorials — provide helpful instruction on the basics of using BlueJ. The BlueJ Tutorial (4.0, English PDF) — older versions are available in various other languages.
Objects First With Java - A Practical Introduction Using BlueJ
A Practical Introduction using BlueJ. Chapter sequence. Chapter 1 deals with the most fundamental concepts of object-orientation: objects, classes and methods. It gives a solid, hands-on introduction to these concepts without going into the details of Java syntax.
- [PDF]
The BlueJ Tutorial
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Objects First With Java - A Practical Introduction Using BlueJ
A Practical Introduction using BlueJ. Sixth Edition, Pearson, 2016 ISBN (US edition): 978-013-447736-7 ISBN (Global Edition): 978-1-292-15904-1 Global Edition New: Sixth Edition out now. book features • objects-first approach • project driven • spiral approach • thorough treatment of object-oriented principles • includes new Java 8 ...