BM-21 Grad - Wikipedia
BM stands for boyevaya mashina (Russian: боевая машина – combat vehicle), and the nickname grad means "hail". The complete system with the BM-21 launch vehicle and the M-21OF rocket is designated as the M-21 field-rocket system and is more commonly known as a Grad multiple rocket launcher system.
BM-21 GRAD 9K51 - Army Recognition
The BM-21 122 mm multiple rocket launcher (MRL) system entered into service with the Soviet Army in 1963 to replace the aging 140 mm BM-14 system. The main role of the BM-21 Grad system is to support the division with suppressive fire to counter anti-tank missile, artillery and mortar positions, destroy strong points and eliminate enemy nodes ...
BM-21 Grad Russian 122mm Multiple Rocket Launcher (MRL)
The BM-21 Grad is a Soviet truck-mounted 122 mm multiple rocket launcher. The weapons system and the M-21OF rocket that it fires evolved in the early 1960s and saw their first combat use in March...
BM-21火箭炮 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
bm-21 「冰雹」火箭炮(俄语: БМ-21 "Град" )是蘇聯於冷戰時代設計及生產的122毫米口徑拖動式多管火箭炮。 [ 10 ] 其武器系統及所搭配的 M-21OF 火箭 [ 11 ] 最初研發於1960年代早期,並於1969年3月第一次在 中蘇邊界衝突 中參與實戰。
BM-21火箭炮 - 百度百科
BM-21式火箭炮是 前苏联 研制的一种122毫米40管 自行火箭炮。 该炮1964年开始装备陆军炮兵部队。 现 摩托化步兵师 和坦克师属炮兵团均编有一个БМ-21式火箭炮营,装备该炮24门。 主要用来摧毁敌战术核武器,与敌炮兵作斗争,加强团炮兵群火力。 它通常配置在己方前沿后2-6公里的范围内,压制纵深为14-18公里。 BM—21式火箭炮,绰号“冰雹”(Grad,早期绰号为“斯大林风琴”),于1964年以前装备苏军。 摩步师和坦克师属炮兵团均编有一个BM一21式火箭炮营。 除 …
BM-21 (Grad) Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) - Military Factory
2022年6月10日 · Detailing the technical specifications, development, and operational history of the BM-21 (Grad) Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) including pictures. The global defense reference actively compiled since 2003
BM-21 Grad (1963) - truck-encyclopedia.com
The BM-21 Grad is a Soviet-designed multiple rocket launcher (MRL) system that has been widely used by numerous countries around the world. The system, developed in the early 1960s, is based on a 122 mm rocket caliber and has become one of the most recognizable and widely produced artillery systems of its kind.
BM-21 122-mm Multiple Rocket Launcher - GlobalSecurity.org
The field 122-millimeter divisional MLRS BM-21 Grad is designed to destroy open and sheltered manpower, unarmored vehicles and armored personnel carriers in the area where artillery and...
2017年3月29日 · 一年后,28 March 1963,BM-21的发展以苏联部长理事会通过关于推出新的火箭发射系统“Grad”投入使用的决议而告终。 在苏联军队的分区演习中,早期释放的“毕业典礼”。
M270 MLRS and BM-21 Grad - ArmedForces.eu
Here you can compare specifications, production year, cost and pictures rocket artillery.