Blue Mountain Translator District is a local government special district that operates the TV relays in Baker and Union Counties, bringing content over - the - air from Boise and Portland to be viewed from an antenna.
FAQ | Blue Mountain Translator District - BMTD
Isn’t antenna television free? The federal government requires all full power television stations to transmit their signals for free. BMTD does not operate full power television stations, we operate low-power television translators that transmit channels normally broadcast by urban full power stations in Baker and Union Counties.
Channel Guide | Blue Mountain Translator District - BMTD
LINE OF SIGHT IT IMPORTANT, MAKE SURE TO LOOK AT THE RIGHT MOUNTAIN! An outdoor UHF antenna will provide the best reception. A separate pre-amp may be needed depending upon your location. Visit www.antennaweb.org to learn more about the equipment needed for your location! This is the most common type. Contact us for more information.
产品服务 - 博迈科技 BoMai Technology - bmtd.cn
说文是一款利用人工智能技术的语音服务系统,特别针对数字出版业务,它基于先进的文本转语音(TTS)技术,可以迅速地将文本内容转化为自然、流畅的语音。 无论是为有声书提供语音, …
博迈科技 BoMai Technology
博迈BoMai Technology是一家专注于数字营销和数字出版业务为核心的技术型驱动公司。 自2013年9月创立以来,一直致力于提供高效、前沿的解决方案,帮助企业实现融入数字化浪潮,实现业务的持续增长。 博迈以领先的技术和专业的服务赢得了众多客户的信任和赞誉。 每一个成功的案例,都是我们技术实力和服务质量的最佳证明。 在未来,博迈将继续努力,提供更优质的服务,帮助更多企业实现数字化转型,共同创造更大的价值。 成为领先的数字营销和数字出版服 …
北京博迈通达信息技术有限公司 - 爱企查
北京博迈通达信息技术有限公司是一家科技型中小企业 (2024)、高新技术企业 (2023)、小微企业,该公司成立于2013年09月22日,位于北京市北京经济技术开发区经惠东路5号院2号楼6层706,目前处于开业状态,经营范围包括技术开发;技术转让;技术咨询;技术服务;技术推广;数据处理;基础软件、应用软件服务;计算机系统服务;设计、制作、代理、发布广告;销售日用品、化妆品、服装、鞋帽、珠宝首饰、玩具、家用电器、体育用品、厨房用具、计算机软硬 …
BMTD是什么意思? - Abbreviation Finder
Blue Mountain Translator District | La Grande OR - Facebook
Blue Mountain Translator District, La Grande, Oregon. 484 likes · 13 were here. For the low cost of $100.00/YR you can access over-the-air TV with a UHF...
Blue Mountain Translator District Brings My Oregon News to …
2020年12月7日 · BMTD primarily operates TV translators, bringing regional news and information to antenna TV viewers in a region with limited access to broadband. Beginning in march, BMTD collaborated with Sinclair Broadcast Group to add a digital subchannel to Portland’s Univision, KUNP, which operates its full-power station of origin on Mt. Fanny in Union ...
招贤纳士 - 博迈科技 BoMai Technology - bmtd.cn