The German Red Cross (GRC) commissioned a strategic evaluation of the implementation of BMZ ́s Social Structure Funding (SSF) programs. SSF activities are typically composed of …
DVV International: Detail
Within the framework of the so-called "Social Structure Funding (SSF)", the ministry supports civil society organisations that provide basic social security services in Germany, for example in …
1st phase of URCS/GRC BMZ SSF project (2018-20) “Increasing the importance and capacity of the Uganda Red Cross Society (URCS) as a national aid organisation supporting the refugee …
Mid- Term Evaluation of the BMZ-SSF Project - bodmando.org
To assess the project’s progress and relevance, AWO International contracted Bodmando Consulting Group to conduct a mid-term evaluation of the BMZ-SSF Project. The objectives of …
Évaluation du projet « Promotion des Structures Sociales » au Togo
Financé par le BMZ et mis en œuvre par quatre organisations de la société civile togolaise, ce projet a pour objectif d’améliorer les conditions de vie des populations locales en renforçant …
from BMZ channeled through the German NGO Don Bosco Mondo, the SSF-Project phase 1 was designed and implemented. The ultimate objective of the project was to establish and …
BMZ / Referat 122 - doczz.net
das Instrument der Sozialstrukturförderung (SSF). Ziele der weltweit durchgeführten Projekte der SSF sind: • Beiträge zur globalen Strukturpolitik und zur Zukunftssicherung. SSF ist …
Among the assignments were evaluations of BMZ projects using a theory of change approach (DAC criteria for evaluation, EU log frame and GIZ capacity works). Methods of evaluation …
Das BMZ hat das Instrument der Sozialsffilkturförderung (SSF) geschaffen und zur Durch- fiihrung nichtstaatliche Fachorganisationen ausgewählt, die heute erfolgreich in der Ar- …
Phase 1 of CRT/GRC BMZ SSF project (2019-21) “Contribution to the reduction of the negative effects of climate change and to the improvement of resource stewardship in Togo and …
- Some results have been removed