什么是流动性资金池(LP)代币? - Binance Academy
2022年9月29日 · LP代币通常以提供流动性的两种代币命名。例如,在PancakeSwap流动性资金池中提供CAKE和BNB,则用户获得的 BEP-20 代币称为“CAKE-BNB LP”代币。 以太坊 中的LP代币则称“ ERC-20 代币”。 流动性资金池(LP)代币有何用途? 虽然LP代币的作用类似于收据,但用途远 …
什麼是流動性池 (Liquidity Pool,LP) 代幣? - Binance Academy
2022年9月29日 · 您的 LP 代幣通常會在名稱中顯示您提供流動性的 2 種代幣。例如,在 PancakeSwap 上的流動性池提供 CAKE 與 BNB,則您會收到一個稱為 CAKE-BNB LP 的 BEP-20 代幣。在 以太坊 上,LP 代幣通常是 ERC-20 代幣。 我可以用流動性池 (LP) 代幣來做什麼?
Liquidity Pools | PancakeSwap
As an example, if you deposited CAKE and BNB into a Liquidity Pool, you'd receive CAKE-BNB LP tokens. The number of LP tokens you receive represents your portion of the CAKE-BNB Liquidity Pool. You can also redeem your funds at any time by removing your liquidity.
流动性资金池 | PancakeSwap
当把你的代币加入流动性池(Liquidity Pool)时,你将收到流动性提供者凭证(以 LP NFT 形式)并能够分享该代币对的交易手续费。 非同质化流动性仓位 在 V3 中,流动性提供者现在可以设定他们想要提供的流动性的价格范围。
什么是PancakeSwap薄饼交易所?使用教程指南 - biyuandi.com
2023年11月13日 · 根据池中锁定的金额,用户购买名为 CAKE-BNB LP 的代币。 CAKE-BNB LP 代币被锁定在相关池中,并开始从那里为投资者提供被动收入。 每个想要在 PancakeSwap 交易所赚取被动收入的用户所赚取的收入等于池中系统锁定的金额的比例。 交易所上的CAKE-BNB LP等代币也称为FLIP。
What Are Liquidity Pool (LP) Tokens? - Binance Academy
2022年9月29日 · Perhaps the simplest use case for LP tokens is to transfer ownership of their associated liquidity. Some LP tokens are tied to specific wallet addresses, but most allow for the free transfer of the tokens. For example, you could send BNB-wBNB LP tokens to someone who could then remove the BNB and wBNB from the liquidity pool.
Exchange | PancakeSwap
In the event of any token distribution, we will distribute 100% of the proceeds to the CAKE community. Learn More.
Earn from LP | PancakeSwap
Earn from LP Liquidity Pools & Farms ... PANCAKE PICKS #3 🔥 SIREN/WBNB. FEE TIER. 1%. APR. 0.00%. TVL. 1.43M. All Pools My Positions History +6. All networks. BNB Smart Chain, Ethereum, Polygon zkEVM, ZKsync Era, Arbitrum One, Linea Mainnet, Base, opBNB, Monad Testnet. All tokens. All tokens. All V3 V2 StableSwap. ALL POOLS FEE TIER APR TVL ...
How to use Liquidity Pool (LP) tokens | MetaMask Help Center
Within the liquidity platform, you will be able to add and remove liquidity in this proportional manner, converting LP tokens to the underlying tokens and vice versa. If you try to swap these LP tokens directly for another currency (ETH, BNB, etc) via MetaMask Swaps tool or a third-party swap platform, the following is likely to happen:
$4.4M Permanent Liquidity Pool Support – Round 2 - BNB Chain …
6 天之前 · Stay up-to-date on the latest news and developments in the world of Web3 with the BNB Chain blog. Get insights, analysis, and expert perspectives on the blockchain developed by the BNB Chain community. ... Please note that there is a time difference between swapping the token and adding the LP, which causes a difference in amounts. Withdrawal ...